
Coffee And Hair Loss; The Relationship Between Caffeine And Hair Loss

Does having too much coffee can either have a negative effect on hair growth or cause hair loss?

This is one of the most important question some coffee lovers ask about the negative impact of drinking too much coffee.

Perhaps, you know that many foods and drinks can have a positive effect on hair growth. For example, foods and beverages that are packed with vitamins and minerals can improve your hair growth.

But, as one of the most popular drinks in the world, many people ask about the effect of coffee on hair loss.

If you drink coffee like ordinary people, who have one or two cup of drink a day, it can provide your body with components that are useful for hair growth.

But, based on several studies, having too much coffee per day can cause adverse effect and leads to hair loss.

So, as a coffee fanatic, you need to be more careful about your daily caffeine intake.

Let us discuss about positive and negative impacts of caffeine and introduce a hormone which plays an important role in hair growth and is called DHT:

Does having coffee daily can improve hair growth?

Keep in mind that bad habits or wrong foods can have adverse effect on your health and hair growth.

So, try to avoid wrong food habits and bad eating that may either stop your hair growth or make them thinner.

Perhaps, if you drink coffee regularly on a daily basis, you’ve seen some improvements in your hair growth. But, does coffee always help hair growth?

No, so, when you want to drink coffee, pay attention about the amount of caffeine intake. Because, if you put a limit on your caffeine intake, it will become possible to get most of its benefits for your body.

Does caffeine matters for hair?

Yes, caffeine is one of the most important compounds in the coffee bean. It can help us to improve our health in various ways. Specially, it can be useful for hair growth.

But, this does not mean that you are free to drink coffee as much as you like. According to the several researches, there are limits for coffee consumption.

So, there are rules for coffee consumption. Also, be careful to use organic coffee and the products that are cultivated, harvested, and processed with artificial or chemical-free compounds.

caffeine hair loss study

How much coffee can I drink daily?

1 cup of coffee per day will not have a significant adverse effect on your hair.

But, if you drink several cups of coffee, for example, 5 cup of coffee per day, you’ve definitely passed the limits.

Why a bit of caffeine is important for hair growth and how does it work?

1 cup of coffee can help your hair to absorb more vitamins and minerals from your diet. So, it may help your hair follicles to function at their best.

How much coffee can I drink daily?

Can we apply the caffeine directly to the scalp?

Yes, Caffeine based products in the market are formulated in a way to improve hair growth and enhance skin health.

For this reason, recently several products have used caffeine in their formulation. They can be applied directly on the skin.

By using this products, you can skip direct consumption of coffee on daily basis and apply it directly.

Specially, if you prefer to drink cold drinks like fruit juices, it is a good idea to use caffeine-based products for hair growth.

They can stimulate blood flow on your skin and help your follicles to get access to the nutrients they need.

So, it is more likely to witness faster growth of hair and improving growth cycle.

side effects of applying coffee on hair

How caffeine can help follicles?

According to the scientists, there is a hormone called DHT. The main reason that many people experience hair loss is the activity of this hormone in their body.

How will this hormone work? When the level of DHT changes and is present in our body abnormally, the hair loss may occur.

The main reason for hair loss is that DHT can prevent our body to have access to the micro nutrients that it needs to function normally.

For example, this hormone can prevent our cells from access to the proteins. It also prevents follicles from absorbing vitamins and minerals that are essential for hair growth.

How caffeine can help follicles?

How caffeine fights DHT?

If consumed moderately, caffeine can stop the mechanism that DHT uses to prevent cells from accessing to the nutrients.

Caffeine can encourage your follicles and hair cells to produce another important hormone.

This hormone is called ATP and acts as an opposite compound in the process. So, it encourages cells to take nutrients and consume them for hair growth.

Caffeine and increasing blood circulation

Another important benefit is that caffeine can help hair growth by improving blood circulation in scalp.

So, if you consume it moderately, by increasing blood circulation on your skin, it is possible to help hair follicles.

In this process, oxygen-rich blood cells can give all the nutrients that follicles need for their growth. This means that drinking a cup of healthy coffee per day can encourage vitamin absorption.

How much does hair growth improves by having caffeine?

does drinking coffee help hair growth? As we discussed above, moderate consumption of caffeine is always recommended.

But, can we really give an exact answer about how the hair growth improves by coffee drinking?

Even some studies suggest that coffee can improve hair growth by an average of 30 percent, the level of its impact on hair growth cannot be easily estimated.

Of course, it can extend the growth cycle of human hair, but the effect of caffeine on the hair of different people is not yet completely explored.

 We’ve explored the advantages of caffeine for the skin and hair. Now, it’s time to look deeper at the other side of the coin and talk about disadvantages or adverse effects:

Adverse effect of too much coffee on hair

If you drink too much coffee, it can stunt the growth of your hair. It means that your hair may grow slower. So, be careful! Take moderate amount of coffee per day.

How to calculate the caffeine intake?

It is a very important question for many people for those who suffer from hair loss.

Robusta and Arabica have different caffeine content. Another important note is that there are other foods and drinks other that contain caffeine.

For example, if you eat chocolate, it is a source of caffeine. Also, if you drink several cups of tea, it has caffeine. So, do remember that one of the main compounds in tea, coffee, and chocolate is caffeine.

Do all the studies approve negative impact of caffeine?

No, several studies have found no direct relation between coffee consumption and hair loss.

They say, when it comes to advantages, there is direct relation between caffeine and improving hair growth.

But, when it comes to adverse effects, we do not have enough evidence to say caffeine can cause hair loss.

Let’s answer several most commonly asked questions:

Do all the studies approve negative impact of caffeine?

Do I need to put a limit on coffee consumption?

If you are experiencing too much hair loos, perhaps it is a good idea to limit your caffeine intake and see the result on your hair loss.

But, if your hair is healthy and grow well, there is no need to worry about your coffee intake or caffeine consumption via drinking tea or having chocolate.

Does coffee increase the number of follicles on scalp?

Yes, several studies suggest that the number of follicles on scalp increases by having regular cup of coffee per day.

Does coffee increases hair loss by stimulating testosterone?

The level of testosterone in body is important for hair growth. Because, stimulating testosterone can lead to hair loss.

The result of one study shows that excessive oral consumption of coffee, by increasing the level of DHT, can lead to stimulation of testosterone and an increase of hair loss.

Can I use coffee directly on hair?

Yes, there are several ways to use coffee on your hair. Firstly, as the easiest way, you can buy caffeine based products.

But, there are other ways as well. For example, some people suggest to use coffee ground with coconut oil (or other natural oils) to improve hair growth.

How much caffeine do I need for my hair?

Food and drug administration (FDA) recommend up to 400 milligrams of caffeine a day.

If your coffee intake is below the above mentioned limit, it makes no serious problem.

But, if you drink more coffee and your caffeine intake is beyond the recommended limit, it is important to change your habit. Specially, if you’re experiencing hair loss.

drinking coffee after surgery

Drinking coffee after surgery is generally safe, but it’s important to consider a few factors and consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice. Here are some general guidelines:

Wait until you’re fully awake: After surgery, anesthesia and pain medications can make you feel groggy or drowsy. It’s important to wait until you are fully alert and able to handle hot liquids before drinking coffee.

  • Follow post-operative instructions: Your surgeon or healthcare team will provide you with specific post-operative instructions. These instructions may include dietary restrictions or recommendations. If they advise against consuming coffee or any other beverages, it’s important to follow their guidance.
  • Consider caffeine sensitivity: Coffee contains caffeine, a stimulant that can affect your heart rate, blood pressure, and digestion. If you have a history of caffeine sensitivity or a pre-existing medical condition that could be aggravated by caffeine, it’s advisable to speak with your healthcare provider before consuming coffee.
  • Hydration is crucial: After surgery, staying hydrated is essential for a healthy recovery. If you decide to drink coffee, remember that it has a diuretic effect, which can increase urine production and potentially contribute to dehydration. It’s important to balance your coffee consumption with an adequate intake of water or other non-caffeinated fluids.
  • Be mindful of potential side effects: Coffee can cause stomach upset, acid reflux, or irritation in some individuals. If you experience these symptoms after surgery or have a sensitive gastrointestinal system, you might want to avoid or limit your coffee intake during the recovery period.

Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice regarding your specific condition, surgery, and recovery. They can provide you with the most accurate guidance based on your individual circumstances.

Final thought

Caffeine is the most well-known compound in coffee, tea, and chocolate. So, it is very important to care about its benefits for human health and its adverse effects.

As we mentioned in this article, moderate consumption of coffee can help hair growth. But, several studies suggest that too much caffeine consumption can cause hair loss.

This means that if you’re experiencing hair loss, and if you drink too much coffee, it is important to limit your caffeine intake.


I'm interested in coffee and writing about it. I will try to provide you with useful information in this regard.

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