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Cold Coffee Vs Frappe Coffee – How To Make Homemade Frappe With Instant Coffee

When it’s hot outside and you’ve had a busy day at work, nothing refreshes you like a cool drink! Cold coffee and ice coffee are caffeinated and enjoyable drinks of the summer season!
One of the distinctive features of cold coffee is that it tastes less water and you feel the original taste of coffee more!

Cold coffee is one of the drinks that has become very popular in recent years and is prepared using coffee beans and cold water (instead of hot water). This method makes the acidity and bitterness of coffee less.

What is frappe?

The history of this drink goes back to Greece, which was invented by an employee of Nescafe. The invention of Frappe, like many other inventions, was completely accidental. In 1957, one of the Nescafe company representatives was looking for a new product for children, and he was able to create an exciting chocolate drink for children.

What is frappe?
Dimitris Vakondios (Dritsas employee) was looking for a way to make hot instant coffee during his rest, but he couldn’t find hot water. So he decided to mix instant coffee with cold water and ice pieces.

The word frappe literally means chilled with ice. This drink quickly spread all over the world and became one of the most popular coffee-based cold drinks.
Frappe, which is very easy to make and its drink is very pleasant, can be consumed on hot summer days when you are tired.

What is frappe coffee?

The history of frappe dates back to the 19th century and is a very old and popular summer drink. Frappe is a cool drink. It is usually prepared with instant coffee. Frappe is mixed with milk, ice, coffee and simple flavoring.
Greek cold coffee is a chilled coffee that is prepared using instant coffee (Nescafe) and water, and by shaking it, a frothy and refreshing drink is produced.
Frappe coffee differs from other drinks with important differences.

Since frappe is based on coffee, it has the properties of coffee to some extent; such as greater alertness and relief from fatigue.
If ice cream and cream are not used in frappe coffee, it will reduce appetite and in some cases it will lead to weight loss.
In addition to coffee, this drink also contains milk and ice. Cream is also often added to this drink, and it is customary to use a variety of sauces and flavorings.

What is frappe coffee?

Frappe is a special type of icy coffee that comes from Greece. This particular type of coffee can be made with a coffee shaker and a hand mixer.

Benefits of cold coffee

  • Boosts your metabolism!
  • It reduces the risk of heart diseases.
  • Caffeine content is similar to hot coffee.
  • It reduces the risk of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.

Types of frappe coffee

  • Caramel frappe.
  • Chocolate frappe.
  • Moka ice frappe.
  • Fruity frappe.

Types of frappe coffee

How to prepare frappe coffee

Try this delicious recipe that you can easily prepare with Nescafe and it will save your hot summer days.
Greek coffee frappe is really easy and quick to make at home.
In order to achieve an ideal frappe taste, there are some points to consider while making frappe.

As it is known, many cold coffees are prepared after adding cold ice. In making a coffee frappe, you need to add ice while making the frappe and continue to work until it is sufficiently mixed.
In addition, one of the most important details that makes a coffee frappe cool is its dense tissue. Especially when the drink is going to be prepared with a blender, the ice should be completely crushed.

Although the standard frappe is made with instant coffee, sugar and ice, there are different types of frappe to everyone’s taste. You may come across different types of frappes made with ice cream flavors, cakes and similar products that are prepared using or added to different types of coffee.
Frappe can be made with a blender or shaker.

Ingredients for the frappe recipe

  • 1.5 teaspoons of instant coffee.
  • The desired amount of sugar.
  • 2-3 tablespoons of cold water.
  • cold milk.
  • 1-2 pieces of ice.
    Add instant coffee (Nescafe), sugar, and about 2 to 3 tablespoons of cold water. You want enough to cover the coffee and then add another tablespoon.
    Stir the mixture until it forms a thick and creamy froth.

Ingredients for the frappe recipe

Pour the mixture into a serving glass.
Then, if desired, add 3 ice pieces and evaporated milk.
Fill the glass with cold water and serve.

Tip: The exact ratio of ingredients varies based on preference. Also see above for recommended ingredient ratios.

Should you use instant coffee in frappe?
Some people also use ground coffee, but the basic and correct method is to use instant coffee.


I'm interested in coffee and writing about it. I will try to provide you with useful information in this regard.

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