
3 Reasons To Add Salt To Coffee; A Strange But Popular Combination

Coffee, without any doubt, is one of the most loved drinks of our time and has many lovers worldwide. Some people take it first thing in the morning, and this intake gives them the energy to keep the day going.

While some people enjoy their black coffee bitter, some like coffee, but the bitterness keeps them from consuming it, and adding syrups and artificial sweeteners masks the bitterness. Besides, what about people that have diabetes?

There is a simple solution to this issue that will shock you completely.

The Magic of Salt in Coffee


Yes, sodium chloride, or salt, is a way to reduce the bitterness of the coffee; you might ask how? Let us tell you to keep reading this article to get your mind blown by these tricks and facts about adding salt to coffee.

  • The content further:
  •  what is coffee?
  • Why is coffee bitter, and how can we fix it?
  • Why should I add salt to my coffee?
  • Takeaway
  • Directly endorse us and keep us company through the last of this article and let’s see why you must add salt to your coffee.

salt coffee

What is coffee?

Let’s take off by talking about coffee.

It has become common knowledge that coffee is a beverage that gives you energy and adrenaline and aids you deal with the pressures of the day; in other words, it is a spare battery for your body to use in times of need and low energy states.

An interesting fact about coffee is that it is the name of a plant that gives you the primary seed to grind and then brew and get the dark coffee you want.

Coffee contains many nutrients and s good for you, generally speaking, though you have to set limits for avoiding consuming coffee excessively.

When used too much, coffee can have side effects such as insomnia, stomach inflammation, and anxiety. Still, you can easily avoid these downsides by consuming the right amount of coffee every day.

Now that you have a basic understanding of what coffee is. Let’s dive into the next chapter of the article and see how you can fix your coffee’s bitterness.

Why is coffee bitter, and how can we fix it?

As we are confident, you know that coffee beans have different breeds and, therefore, different qualities and tastes.

The first thing to mention is the acidity of these variants; Arabica beans usually have higher acidity than the Robusta beans.

Robusta beans are less acidic and, therefore, more bitter on the counterpoint.

Coffee lovers prefer both breeds for consumption, but some minorities prefer single-origin Arabica and some Robusta.

We will address an issue that Robusta lovers encounter from time to time.

The Robusta can be bitter sometimes, especially when it’s dark roasted; many individuals love the Robusta just for its bitterness, but some prefer to mask the bitterness using sweeteners like syrup or sugar.

The problem with this fact is that sugar and other artificial substances don’t take the bitterness away they usually mask it and, in other words, change the whole taste of the coffee.

If you can’t stand the bitterness, the best direction is to use salt. Yes, the salt that you typically use in your meals.

There is a trick called “Alton Brown Trick” Brown was a cook that had his show on TV.

In one of his episodes in 2009, he suggested that adding a pinch of salt to your coffee neutralizes the bitterness and enhances the flavors.

After that episode aired, people started doing this trick, and surprisingly, it worked.

Now let’s see what’s the scientific reason behind this fact.

This is a scientific fact that sodium, a significant part of the salt, can neutralize bitterness. The reason is that taste buds on your tongue are more sensitive to salt than coffee.

This means that when you add a dash of salt and mix it into your coffee and then drink it, the salt will block most of the taste buds, and therefore, you will get significantly less bitterness in your coffee.

Now let’s discuss the other reasons you should add salt to coffee.

Why should I add salt to my coffee?

Let’s list some reasons why you should add salt to your coffee.

  • It diminishes the bitterness.

In the last chapter, we described how coffee could impact the bitterness of the coffee, and if you can’t have yours bitter, we highly recommend that you use salt in your coffee.

Why should I add salt to my coffee?

  • An excellent way to fix stale water

When you use an espresso machine or any coffee machine and the device yours has a water container or tank, after a while, the water inside that is going get stale; you can fix this issue by just adding a pinch of salt.

  • Flavor enhancement

Adding salt to your coffee will significantly increase the coffee flavor notes.

These are some of the reasons you should be salting your coffee, and the best way is to experience it yourself; let us know in the comments if you like your coffee with or without salt?

Let’s wrap up the article and summarize all of the information.

Black coffee with salt benefits

Adding salt to coffee is not a common practice, and there is no evidence to suggest that it has any health benefits. However, some people believe that adding a pinch of salt to coffee can reduce the bitterness of the coffee, making it more palatable. Additionally, some people claim that adding a pinch of salt to coffee can help to reduce acidity, making it easier to digest.

Flavor enhancement

does adding salt to coffee reduce acidity

Adding salt to coffee can help to reduce its perceived bitterness, but it is unlikely to have a significant effect on its acidity.

Acidity in coffee refers to the presence of organic acids such as chlorogenic acid, citric acid, and acetic acid, which contribute to the coffee’s taste profile. Salt does not have the ability to neutralize these acids or lower their pH, which means it cannot reduce the acidity of coffee.

However, adding a small amount of salt to coffee can help to reduce the bitterness that is often associated with over-extracted or low-quality coffee. The salt can help to suppress the perception of bitterness by blocking certain taste receptors on the tongue, leading to a smoother and more balanced flavor.

It’s important to note that adding too much salt to your coffee can make it taste salty, which is not a desirable flavor profile for most people. It’s best to start with a small amount and gradually increase it until you find the right balance for your taste preferences.

Does salt stop the bitterness of coffee?

Yes, using salt can reduce the bitterness of coffee. Coffee bitterness is usually caused by compounds like caffeine in it. Salt, as a regulating agent, can moderate this bitterness.

To reduce the bitterness of coffee using salt, you can add a small amount of salt to the coffee and stir it. However, you should be careful that the amount of salt is very little to avoid making the coffee salty. Also, the salt should fully dissolve in the coffee to work effectively.

In general, using salt as a method to reduce the bitterness of coffee can be effective, but it should be done with care and precision to improve the taste of the coffee properly.

Coffee with salt benefits

While adding salt to coffee may not provide significant health benefits, it can have some positive effects on the taste and quality of the coffee. Here are a few potential benefits:

  • Reduces bitterness: Adding a pinch of salt to coffee can help to reduce the perceived bitterness, making it taste smoother and more enjoyable.
  • Enhances flavor: Salt can bring out the natural flavors of coffee and help to balance the taste profile by reducing the perception of acidity.
  • Reduces sourness: Salt can help to reduce the sourness of coffee, which is often caused by over-extraction or brewing with water that is too hot.
  • Mask off-flavors: In some cases, adding salt to coffee can help to mask off-flavors, such as burnt or rancid notes, that may be present in low-quality or stale coffee.
  • Adds electrolytes: While the amount of salt added to coffee is typically small, it can still provide some electrolytes, such as sodium, which are essential for proper hydration and bodily function.

It’s important to note that adding too much salt to your coffee can have negative effects on the taste and your health, so it’s best to use it in moderation and only if it enhances your enjoyment of the coffee.

What is the tradition of adding salt to coffee?

In Turkish wedding ceremonies, adding salt to coffee by the bride is one of the most important and beautiful traditions. This act symbolizes hospitality and interaction in the wedding ceremony. Here, the bride, by doing this, signifies the importance of family and friends in her life.

To prepare salted coffee in a wedding ceremony, the bride brews the coffee as usual. Then, she gently adds a teaspoon of salt to the coffee. This act is interpreted as a symbol of hospitality and sharing experiences in her new life with her husband.

Adding salt to coffee by the bride symbolizes her assurance that she has the capability to manage and strive for a successful married life. This act also signifies harmony and unity in the new life of the couple.

Why do Italians put salt in coffee?

The Italians’ use of salt in coffee is one of the cultural and deep-rooted traditions of this country. This practice is primarily common in Italian espressos or small coffees, and their reasons for it are quite diverse:

  1. Flavor Balance: In espressos, the use of salt is known as a flavor-balancing agent. Adding a small amount of salt to coffee can reduce its bitterness and balance the taste.
  2. Enhancing Flavor: Some Italians find that adding salt enhances the enjoyment of the coffee’s flavor. It can add a sense of sweetness and depth to the coffee for them.
  3. Cultural Tradition: This tradition is recognized in Italy as a part of the coffee-drinking experience. People often see salt alongside their coffees in cafes and restaurants.
  4. Variety: Using salt in coffee allows Italians to create variety in their coffee-drinking experience. It gives them the opportunity to adjust the coffee’s taste according to their personal preferences.

In general, adding salt to coffee in Italy is seen as a common tradition that adds to the interaction and cultural experience of consuming Italian coffee.

should you put salt in coffee?

No, you should not put salt in coffee. Salt can alter the flavor of coffee and make it taste unpleasant.

Does coffee contain salt?

Coffee does not contain any salt. However, some people may add salt to their coffee to enhance the flavor.


Coffee can be bitter and sour spontaneously. It depends on the breed of the coffee you are using and the roast level of the beans; usually, the dark roasted ones are more bitter.

But some people don’t like their coffee bitter, and then we cited a solution adding salt to your coffee. With this bit of action, you can easily remove the bitterness of the coffee and enjoy it until the last drip.

We hope that you enjoyed the article and know you know to make a coffee for yourself that you will enjoy and don’t worry about the bitterness that beans bring with themselves.

If you have any other questions regarding the article “Effects of adding salt to coffee,” please let us know in the comment section below, and we will respond to you as soon as possible.


I'm interested in coffee and writing about it. I will try to provide you with useful information in this regard.

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