
Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans (Dragées Coffee Beans)

Chocolate and coffee (Dragées Coffee Beans) are among the most beloved flavor combinations in the world. They are used in various forms, including beverages, desserts, cakes, and more. Coffee beans coated with chocolate provide an incredibly quick and convenient way to combine these two popular ingredients and create an excellent taste experience.

Chocolate-Coated Coffee Beans

As you may know, coffee is a type of plant that contains green beans at its core, but you can’t consume these beans while they’re green, as they have a very bitter taste and are challenging to chew. During the roasting process, the flavor, color, and texture of these beans undergo changes and create the coffee that we all know and love. At this stage, you probably grind the beans and brew a cup of coffee, but you can get creative and enjoy them as whole beans!

However, you might not enjoy the taste of whole coffee beans, in which case using chocolate-coated coffee beans as a tasty snack and even a rich source of caffeine can be an excellent way to savor coffee. Studies suggest that consuming coffee beans may facilitate the rapid absorption of caffeine into the bloodstream through the mouth’s mucous membranes, meaning you may experience the effects of caffeine more quickly and intensely.

Chocolate-Coated Coffee Beans

How to Make Chocolate-Coated Coffee Beans

A dragée is a type of confection that resembles chocolate and is often enjoyed with coffee. Dragées come in various sizes and types, typically round and colorful, and may contain nuts or fruits.

  1. Start by cleaning and setting aside coffee beans on a piece of parchment paper.
  2. Melt the chocolate in a small saucepan over low heat, stirring until smooth. Remove from heat and let it cool for about 5 minutes.
  3. Pour the coffee beans into the melted chocolate and stir until all the beans are fully coated. Remove the coffee beans from the chocolate using a fork, allowing excess chocolate to drip off, and place the chocolate-coated coffee beans on a baking sheet. Place the sheet in the refrigerator for approximately 30 minutes to allow the chocolate to harden.

How to Make Chocolate-Coated Coffee Beans

Does Chocolate-Coated Coffee Contain Caffeine?

Yes, both chocolate and coffee contain caffeine, but the exact amount of caffeine in chocolate-coated coffee beans depends on various factors, and a fixed quantity cannot be determined.

Keep in mind that the caffeine content in coffee can vary depending on factors such as the quantity, the type of beans, the degree of roasting, and more. For example, Robusta coffee beans can contain nearly twice as much caffeine as Arabica coffee beans.

Additionally, the type of chocolate you choose can also make a slight difference in the caffeine content. For instance, dark chocolate tends to have more caffeine compared to milk chocolate.

However, on average, each chocolate-coated coffee bean contains approximately 7 to 12 milligrams of caffeine.


Coffee dragées are created by coating roasted coffee beans with dark, milk, or white chocolate. The choice of chocolate and the quality of coffee beans used in coffee dragées determine their flavor.

We carefully crown your enjoyable moments by combining precision-roasted coffee beans with premium chocolates. Coffee dragées, with their eye-catching colors, capture attention. You can use them to decorate cakes, enhance coffee breaks, and add variety to desserts.


I'm interested in coffee and writing about it. I will try to provide you with useful information in this regard.

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