
Selecting the Right Coffee Kettle to Elevate Your Coffee Experience

Are you looking for a guide for buying a coffee kettle?

It is important to remember that fundamentally coffee kettle is a simple device that is suitable for brewing.

It provides hot water to make your drink ready, either for making a cup of tea or for brewing your coffee.

but, there are a few differences between a common kettle that you use for boiling water and a kettle that is suitable for making coffee.

For sure, pouring techniques for coffee is not the same for tea. This is an important difference for some people, leading them to have some preferences. But. For many others, there is no such great difference between different coffee and tea.

coffee kettle

so, what is the main function of a kettle?

Essentially, a kettle is a simple device that is used to heat up the required amount of water for making your drink ready.

To make your drink, you need to pour the hot water from the kettle over something that can be some coffee grounds.

Then, your coffee ground diffuses into hot water.

After a few minutes, your drink that in this case is a cup of coffee is ready for drinking.

how to make tea?

If you pour hot water over the tea, the resulting drink will be a cup of tea.

In first look. the two process are always the same, but the tea in not coffee. Therefore, there are differences that even professionals prefer to have special types of kettles for making their coffee.

What are coffee kettles called?

Usually, some people refer to coffee kettles as gooseneck kettles. It is due to the goose neck-like design of these kettles that makes a lot of. This design is exactly what makes difference in pour over of hot water into the grounds.

There are other names for coffee kettles. because, they are similar in design to swan neck or goose neck, they are called by some people as:

  • Swan neck kettles
  • Pouring kettle
  • Coffee kettle
  • Gooseneck kettle
  • And …

What are coffee kettles called?

What does a coffee kettle do?

When a person is trying to brew his or her best coffee drink, it is essential to pour water in a right manner. It makes brewing process more efficient in a way to have a good drink.

Here, we want to mention several important notes to help you understand what coffee kettle does in improving your drink taste and flavor.


The temperature has a great impact on the quality of your drink. The best temp for making a cup of coffee is usually between 175 to 205.

It depends on your method for brewing to choose the right temp. But, a good temperature will lead to better extraction of oils from the grounds.

Remember, many people when pouring hot water over the grounds, in fact, they are scalding the grounds.

This leads to the extraction of the bitterness of coffee grounds. This bitter extraction happens more quickly than they expect.

But, what a coffee kettle can do? The primary function of a coffee kettle is to slow the rate of pouring hot water in a way that oils have the time to extract efficiently. Then, you can stop the brewing process before too much bitterness can get out of the grounds into drink.

Do I need a special kettle for pour-over coffee?

For sure By the explanation we provided above, it seems that having a good coffee kettle is essential to brewing a good cup of coffee in the morning.

To make it a bit more clear. it seems that beyond temperature, and its importance for extracting oils, the pour technique is also very important in having a good cup of coffee in the morning. Why?

Pouring water too quickly or to slowly both have their own problems. If you pour in a way that look like a shower of drip, certain parts of coffee grounds will saturate while other parts may remain dry or partially wet.

On the other hand, by using pour-over technique, or by dumping hot water too quickly, the resulting coffee will be over-extracted or unevenly extracted.

Therefore, having a device that helps you to control hot water pouring over the ground is a key factor for making a good coffee by making it possible to allow diffused water drip out before you pour fresh water.

It’s exactly like a steady process that consistently continues until you complete the process without any ceasing.

What kettle do baristas use?

What we mentioned above means that many baristas use coffee kettle with a goose neck design to pour over hot water consistently in a right manner.

Remember, the process of pouring water has to be rotating enough to allow all the grounds to get involved in the brewing process.

A barista does not pour all the water down the center of grounds. It has to be in a group of concentric circles to allow all the grounds to get wet evenly.

This method is exactly what we meant by even extraction of oils and flavor from coffee grounds without having the bitterness out of ground beans.

In another word, we can say that coffee kettle provides a spout design.

It means the gooseneck design is what a barista needs for brewing the drink.

It regulates the rate of flowing from kettle and by allowing to pour the water in a precise way, it can offer a steady stream of water until the coffee is well extracted and the drink gains the best flavor.

The only thing you have to do is to care about the temperature of hot water and the creation of a group of concentric circles to get the best result at the end!

Which coffee kettle is best?

To find a coffee kettle that is considered as the best in the market, you need to look for a sign of swan neck or goose neck spout.

Of course, it depends on your preferences to choose a kettle in the market. Some people prefer to buy an electric kettle that allows choosing a specific temperature. Therefore, there will be no need to worry about water temperature.

It worth mentioning that swan neck kettles are available in the markets by different prices. Each price may offer specific features.

So, if you are considering one or several feature as important features for your coffee kettle, it’s important to learn more about different gooseneck kettles in market.

The main characteristics of these products are as follows:

Which coffee kettle is best?

  •  Spout design

it’s the main feature of many gooseneck kettles that as we mentioned above provides a slow and regulated flow of water.

Remember that some types of kettle in the market have a flow restrictor. Therefore, if you prefer this type of kettle, it is available right in the market.

  • Stainless steel kettles

This type of kettle is considered as a resistant product that are durable and suitable for stove top heating.

They usually look very nice and using them can give a pleasant sense when you’re brewing your coffee.

  • Electric kettle

Some electric kettles offer temperature programming features that are most important feature for many people.

But, in term of function there is no such huge difference between electric and non-electric devices.

Of course, electric kettle can be faster in heating up the water. So it is a matter of choice to spend more money for this feature.

  • Thermometer

Having a kettle with a thermometer can be very helpful for checking the water temperature.

Specially, if you cannot program your kettle to heat up until a predetermined temperature. It is a good idea to have a thermometer to check the water temp for brewing the coffee grounds.


I'm interested in coffee and writing about it. I will try to provide you with useful information in this regard.

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