
Mastering the Technique of Grinding Coffee Beans with a Blender

Some people are looking for the best ways to grind coffee without suing a grinder.

As an important stage in post processing of coffee beans, and to have a delicious cup of coffee, the size of coffee grounds has a great impact on the overall quality and flavor of your beverage.

So, finding the best way to grind seeds to become coffee grounds with the required size needs a bit of more speculation.

Fortunately, it is easy to buy a bag of coffee grounds from the market and brew a tasty drink.

But, keep in mind: the quality of your drink, that is brewed by a freshly roasted and grinded coffee bean, is more than what you prepare by using common coffee grounds that are available in the market.

But, if you don’t have the right grinder, is there any way to have a quality coffee that is grinded by a blender or other appliances?

Let’s discuss a bit more:

read more: How To Grow A Coffee Plant At Home

How to grind coffee beans without grinder?

How to grind coffee beans without grinder?

Different methods for grinding coffee can have a great impact on the results.

So, if you want to choose the best way for grinding coffee, it is essential to compare the results that are outcome of each method.

Obviously, if you have access to a high quality coffee grinder, it gives you control over grinding size and provides an even ground.

But, for those who do not have access to an appropriate grinder, with a bit of patience and labor, it is possible to grind coffee beans with a blender or other appliances.

Blender is a good option that is available in many homes. So, many of us may prefer to use blender or food processors to do a pretty simple task.

How to use blender to grind coffee beans?

How to use blender to grind coffee beans?

To have an acceptable consistency in the final coffee grounds, using a blender in the home can give you what you want in your final cup of drink.

But, keep in mind that after using a blender to grind beans, it is not easy to have coffee grounds with the same size.

Does it matter?

Of course! The size of grounds can affect the flavor profile and body of your drink. So, it is not easy to ignore the importance of ground size.

But, don’t worry. You’ll still be able to get a good consistency by a blender. Why?

Because, some blenders may have a setting that allows for grinding. Even if they don’t have the required setting, you can do it manually to get to the best result.

Does blender create heat during grinding coffee beans?

Yes, while you are grinding coffee with the blenders, they may even cook the coffee beans. The burning of coffee beans is the worse result that you may expect.

How to avoid it?

Just try to put a limit on the time that you grind the beans. When grinding process takes around 20 seconds, you may expect less heat to be produced which is essential in avoiding burning.

Perhaps, if it is necessary, up to around 30 seconds is sufficient to have a good coffee ground.

Finally, after grinding the beans, it is time to use portable coffee maker to have your preferred drink.

How to use blender to grind beans?

  1. If your blender has grinder setting, select the medium to high setting to get the best result.
  2. Pour the coffee beans into the blender (you can pour your desired amount of coffee like 1/4 cup or 1/2 cup of coffee beans).
  3. Close the lid and make sure that it is firm in its place.
  4. Grind the beans by using the plus setting. The ideal time limit for grinding can be something between 3 to 5 seconds.
  5. Repeat the process for several times. If you repeat the process for maximum of 6 times, after around 20 to 30 seconds, a consistent result can be reached.
  6. Tilt the blender, if it is necessary, to get a better result and have more consistent coffee grounds.

Finally, the coffee grounds are ready for you to brew a fresh and flavorful drink.

How to grind coffee beans with food processor?

Food processors are another options that can help you in grinding coffee beans.

Of course, they are not as good as a suitable grinder. But, when you do not have access to the grinder, they can give a good result.

As the circumference of food processor is more than common blenders, the process needs more bean to have a similar result as what you reach after using a blender.

More beans mean that you’ll have more coffee grounds. So, be careful and store the leftover grounds in an airtight container.

steps for grinding coffee

The steps for grinding beans by using food processors is similar to the steps we mentioned above for blenders.

You just need to pour more beans in the device. Perhaps, around one cup of coffee beans is enough to get a consistent result.

Remember that the lid be firm in its place and repeat the process in time limits of 4 to 5 seconds. Tilt the device, if it is necessary to get a more consistent result at the end!

How to grind beans without blender?

If you do not have access to a blender or a food processor, perhaps using your hands is the simplest way to grind the beans.

Remember that using your hand for grinding needs more time.

But, if you can’t use electric devices, it may be the only way to get the job done.

Finally, with a bit of persistence and grit, it is possible to have a fine ground.

Which one is better: blender or hand?

Keep in mind: as using blender (and food processors) may give a final ground which is not as good as you expect, sometime using your hand is better!

What are different types of coffee grounds?

As the size of coffee grounds have a great impact on the overall quality and flavor of your drink, learning about the types of coffee grounds can help you to find the best method for grinding beans.

So, we want to have a deeper look at the different types of grounds and the best methods that lead you to the best results:

  1. Coarse coffee grind
  2. Medium coffee grind
  3. Fine coffee grinds
  4. Pulverized or super fine grinds

Many coffee lovers prefer to have medium or fine coffee grinds. This gives a better result after preparation by common brewing methods.

Types of coffee ground after using a blender

Usually, grinding the beans by using a blender produces coffee grounds with the medium size. But, in some cases, the resulting coffee ground after grinding is coarse.

Using food processor will give the similar results. Why?

Because, depend on the time that you use the blender or food processor, the size of grounds can vary a lot.

How to grind coffee beans to have fine grounds?

Some coffee lovers prefer to use fine grounds for brewing coffee. If you also prefer fine grounds, it is a good idea to use a mortar a pestle. It gives you control over the size of grinds.

By using a pestle, it is even possible to have super fine grounds.

So, after using a blender, if the final result (or the size of grounds) is not acceptable for you, simple pour the grounds into a mortar and use a pestle to grit them.

Of course, it needs more intense labor and patience to grind the coffee beans completely.

If you do not have mortar in your home, using a rolling pin can help you to grind the coffee.

Even a hammer can help a lot when you do not have access to the electric devices or rolling pin.

Frequently asked questions:

Is coffee grinding process important?

Yes, of course. As we all know, to have a fresh cup of coffee, having a tool that helps us to turn coffee beans into grounds is very important.

It is worth to mention that there are several electric appliances for grinding coffee. they are as follows:

  • grinder
  • blender
  • food processors
  • ….

Can I grind coffee without a grinder?

Yes, a right grinder can give the best result. So, it’s the best choice

what are the best methods for grinding the coffee without grinder?

There are several methods that can help you to grind coffee beans.

A blender or food processor can provide you with the medium or coarse coffee grounds.

But, remember that using blender for grinding coffee is not as simple as blending a smoothie.

Can I grind beans with hands?

Yes. Mortar and pestle, hammer, rolling pin, or hand mincer are other devices that are available in many homes.

So, it is possible to grind coffee beans inside home or outside when you are camping, travelling, or so on.

Do all the methods give the same result?

No, some methods give you a finer ground and others may produce coarser coffee grounds.

Can I use a blender to grind coffee?

Yes, it is easy to use a blender. But, keep in mind: the resulting coffee grounds will not have the same size.

Also, remember that blender creates heats and this can burn the coffee. So, put a limit on the grinding time.

Is whole bean better than coffee grounds?

Yes, it is better to buy whole beans. Then, right before brewing, you can grind the beans. The final drink will provide the freshest cup of coffee.

So, even the coffee grounds are more convenient, purchasing beans and grinding them is a better approach to enjoy a flavorful drink.


I'm interested in coffee and writing about it. I will try to provide you with useful information in this regard.

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