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How To Make A Long Black At Home? (The Most Important Difference With Americano)

A long black is a type of coffee widely consumed in Australia and New Zealand. It is made by pouring two cups of espresso or Ristoretto on hot water. Water is usually heated through an espresso machine.

Definition: While the exact date is not known, the long black originates from a coffee shop and then coffee shops in New Zealand and Australia.

Along with the macchiato, a long black is a favorite for coffee lovers with a shot of espresso diluted slightly with hot water.

 At 4 calories per serving, minus the milk and sugar, a serving or two of these will keep your coffee love and diet on track.

Join us to get to know the cousin of the Americano: 

What is Long Black?

If you are an espresso lover, you may know the difference between long black, short black, or Americano. If not, here is a quick guide for you!

In Americano, water is added to espresso, but in Long Black, espresso is added to water. A good long black has espresso crema on top and is the perfect temperature to drink right after serving.

A long black coffee is covered with a rich crema and has a stronger flavor than an Americano. The order of the components in making a long black is important. You have to pour water in the first cup and then pour two shots of espresso.

Reversing the order will ruin your cream and your long black will turn you into an Americano.

The amount of water also affects the taste of tall black. Using too much water to make a diluted drink will give your coffee a weak taste. If you want stronger flavors, you can use smaller amounts of water.

What is Long Black?

The Long black is the reverse version of the Americano. Mostly used in Australia and New Zealand.

The main difference between short black, long black and Americano is the amount of water used in each type and the cream that forms on it:

A long black is made by pouring two shots of espresso on hot water. This means that more of the cream remains, although it is not as thick as a short black. It also has a very strong flavor.

Preparation of Long Black:

The ingredients of Long Black and Americano are the same, so they are from the same family and relatives.

Required items to prepare this drink

  • 80 mg of hot water
  • A shot of double espresso (60 mg)
  • A cup that has a capacity of 140 ml

To prepare it, it is enough to add your espresso to 80 mg of hot water. You can use the water from the espresso machine, some baristas control the water temperature so that it does not exceed 70 degrees Celsius.

Preparation of Long Black:

Long black preparation tips:

  • Be sure to prepare boiling water for preparation.
  • Leave some space for adding espresso to the cup
  • Some people prepare Long Black with Ristretto
  • A Long Black means a tasty coffee. Long blacks are traditionally served without milk, which means more espresso flavors can be captured than in a cappuccino or flat white. For this reason, it is important that you make sure to use good quality coffee

bottom line

Many coffee lovers enjoy the mild, bitter taste that accompanies the delicious aroma of black coffee, such as espresso and Americano.

For the latest flavor sensation, try Longo and Longo Black Coffee, which tempts true black coffee fans with its variety of flavors.

Long Black offers a whole new experience of drinking black coffee compared to a traditional American.

When you order a cup of long black coffee at a coffee shop, what is prepared for you is probably very similar to an Americano.

Just like Americano, the long black roast is made with an espresso base, and in other words, it is one of the espresso’s children

All of these espresso drinks come in different varieties. If you like your coffee strong and bold, short black or long black will be perfect for you. The big advantage of the espresso shot is that the crema is thick enough to be eaten with a spoon.


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