
Ristretto vs Espresso; Recipe for Ristretto at Home + (Nutritional Value Table)

As a different type of coffee, Ristretto is known as a sibling for espresso. Therefore, if you like espresso shots, you may also like to have them as a drink.

In fact, they are both made from the same dose of coffee by using a portafilter or other common devices. The water temperature for brewing is also the same for brewing them.

But they are not quite the same and to learn about their differences, you first need more about ristretto as a strong coffee.

The word “Ristretto” means strict in Italian. What does that mean?

It means Ristretto is a shorter or restricted version of espressos.


Because the Ristretto uses less amount of water and gives less drink at the end.

It is worth mentioning that based on the barista’s preferences, the ristretto coffee is something between 20 to nearly 30 ml.

It’s a very small shot and for this reason, many coffee shops try to offer two ristretto shots.

Remember as we do not have an especial Ristretto machine, they both can be made by using espresso machines. So by using the same machine, what’s the differences in taste and flavor?

Ristretto has a more concentrated flavor and less bitterness. It is also a bit sweeter.

How does Ristretto taste?

Ristretto has a strong, intensely aromatic, and somewhat acidic flavor, but it is by no means bitter. Due to the minimal amount of liquid used to prepare it, this beverage, which closely resembles coffee in taste, appears thick and uniform. However, you’ll need to acquire a taste for intense flavors initially. Coffee enthusiasts who prefer their favorite drink with a lot of milk and sweetened with sugar may be surprised at first by this concentrated short drink because of its distinct aroma.

Nevertheless, those who appreciate the nuances of good coffee can savor a pronounced sweetness in the shortened coffee. Due to the short contact time, the sour and sweet flavors are primarily extracted, with fewer bitter compounds ending up in the cup. Espresso lovers will quickly develop a fondness for this little Italian delight.

How many milliliters is a Ristretto?

A Ristretto typically contains only 15 milliliters. It’s extracted using only half the amount of water compared to an espresso.

It’s said that when you order a Ristretto in Italy, less water is used to make this small coffee shot. In the southern regions of Italy, Ristretto is referred to delicately as ‘corto,’ which means short.

A Ristretto can also be prepared as a ‘Ristretto doppio,’ which is a double Ristretto. The liquid in a double Ristretto is the same as that of an espresso, approximately 30 milliliters, but for a doppio, you use twice the amount of ground coffee.

Espresso Shortened in Italy – Ristretto

Italy is the home of many types of coffee, and Ristretto also hails from Italy. Ristretto is especially popular in the southern regions of the country. The name of the coffee used to indicate its origin and specific characteristics, as the Italian word “Ristretto” means “limited” or “restricted.” With only 15 to 20 milliliters of water, the amount of liquid in a Ristretto is indeed limited. However, a small cup of Ristretto retains all of its aroma. On the contrary, its flavor, when properly prepared, is intense and strong.

let’s dive a bit more:

Ristretto coffee

Is a ristretto stronger than an espresso?

In terms of taste, ristretto is stronger than espresso. Because it uses less water in the brewing process.

But an important note to mention here is that they both use the same amount of coffee grounds, therefore it is a bit tricky to decide about the amount of flavorful, aromatic, or other compounds.

In other words, while the amount of water for the brewing process has a great impact on the flavor, the amount of extraction from different compounds from the same amount of coffee ground needs a bit of speculation and due to presence of hundreds of compounds in the grinds, it is not easy to say how much the extraction efficiency for any compound differs in every drink.

Is a ristretto stronger than an espresso?

How to prepare a ristretto

Perhaps, some coffee shops prefer to make ristretto in the same way they make espresso. But, many others try to make it a bit different.

If you want to make some ristretto, it is important to know that all the shots use the same amount of coffee grinds.

They also need the same water pressure and temperature as espressos.

But, the ristretto uses less water. For this reason, some coffee shops usually stop the shot after around 15 second.

Others, prefer to make it like espresso.

Remember, the coffee brewing process can be unique for every barista. So, the following factors are unique for many of them:

Due to the differences in the above-mentioned factors, we can just give some guidelines.

You need to do experiments and find the perfect dose, ratio, temperature, and brewing time for making coffee.

This will eventually give you a mouthfeel that is desirable and exceptional.

What is the difference between espresso and ristretto?

The flavor of ristretto and espresso is different and this is one of the main factors in choosing one of them.

As you may know, the body, flavor, and mouthfeel of coffee can be determined by the following factors:

  • Green coffee bean types
  • Roasting style
  • Brewing methods

To compare ristretto vs espresso, they both use the same coffee grounds and a high pressure that creates a syrupy mouthfeel and viscous drink.

But, the compounds that are extracted from coffee grounds, and the aroma that are taken in different times in the brewing process, are not the same.

Therefore, in the beginning, you’ll have mellow flavors and then an acidity flavor that is followed by sweetness and balance, and finally a bitter flavor at the end.

What is difference between espresso and ristretto?

What happens by restricting the coffee?

In preparing the coffee drink, when you are brewing ristretto, you’ll restrict or shorten the time, and then you’ll not have the final stage of bitterness during the compound extraction process.

So, a ristretto can be a sweeter and a bit more intense drink.

This brewing process has a risk as well. Under-extraction of coffee compounds is one of the most notable risks in this process and therefore you need a bit of experience to avoid it.

Having a perfect balance in the coffee is a very important factor in determining the quality of your drink and for this reason, you need to brew your coffee more carefully and prevent it from being sour or unpleasant due to under-extraction.

By controlling the grind size and extraction time, the sweetness of coffee can be maximized and a better and sweeter drink will be served.

Can you add milk to ristretto?

Traditionally, ristretto is served without using milk. But as you may know, many types of coffee can be served with milk.

For example, espresso is served with milk in many coffee shops and the resulting coffee is named a latte, flat white, etc.

You can add milk to the ristretto as well. But, remember that adding milk will change the taste and flavor of coffee and the sweetness of your drink will become more.

Some people do not like ristretto with milk and therefore before serving, it is important to know about their palette.

Is ristretto the strongest coffee?

Ristretto drinks are a sweeter and shorter version of espresso. But, extracting for a less period of time decreases the caffeine extraction efficiency.

Therefore, espresso can be a bit stronger. But when comparing to other types of coffee, it is most concentrated and has higher level of caffeine.

On the other hand, remember that a lungo is larger than a ristretto. Thus, it has more caffeine.

So, we can say is ristretto, espresso, and lungo are the strongest types of coffee.

Preparing Ristretto

When it comes to preparation, espresso and ristretto are quite similar. In fact, for a ristretto, you need the same amount of coffee grounds as for an espresso. The only difference is the amount of water used. While an espresso requires about 20 to 25 milliliters of water, a ristretto is prepared with only 15 to 20 milliliters of water. This limited amount of water creates a strong and concentrated aroma in the ristretto.

Ristretto can be prepared in two ways. The only difference lies in the grind size of the coffee beans and the extraction time. A finer grind produces a very concentrated ristretto, while in the second method, the grind is slightly coarser, but water passes through it more quickly from the portafilter. Which preparation method you prefer is a matter of personal taste.

How many grams of espresso do you need for a Ristretto?

For a single Ristretto, you’ll need approximately 7-9 grams of finely ground coffee. For a double Ristretto, like espresso and lungo, you’ll need around 14 to 18 grams of finely ground coffee. The double Ristretto is also known as ‘Doppio Ristretto.’ For a Doppio Ristretto, not only is twice the amount of coffee used, but it’s also extracted with twice the amount of water, resulting in 30 to 35 milliliters. As mentioned earlier, the espresso grounds for Ristretto should be ground much finer than espresso.

How to make ristretto coffee at home?

It is possible to use hand press machines or automatic machines to make ristretto.

Usually, by using less amount of water, it is shorter and also in is important to note that the extraction of ristretto is usually done by a finer grind.

To make a ristretto in home, first, you need the best quality beans to grind it.

For a double shot, around 60 ml of water and 15 grams of coffee is a typical ratio.

Then, go through the following:

  • Boil the water
  • Add an appropriate amount of coffee grounds to the press
  • Fill the device with the water
  • Stir it and allow it to steep
  • Press the piston
  • serve it

Remember in terms of flavor and aroma, as we have hundreds of aromatic compounds in coffee grounds, the chemical composition of the ristretto drink is different.

It is important to note that you can brew ristretto by using an espresso machine. The only main difference is the amount of water you add to the coffee.

Half to three-quarters of water is enough for an espresso machine and makes you coffee shorter.

Preparing a ristretto with Milk

Some coffee enthusiasts ask if it’s possible to add milk to a ristretto. The answer is yes. Some people don’t enjoy the bitter taste of a ristretto, so by adding milk, you can make the flavor of this beverage smoother and sweeter.

Can I use a regular coffee maker?

Yes. It is possible to use a common coffee maker to brew espresso or ristretto. But, if you want a strong coffee, you need some modifications in the process.

Final thought

Ristretto and espresso are both strong coffees that can be made by the same amount of coffee grounds and the same machine or brewing tools.

But, ristretto is a shorter or restricted sibling for espresso and has minor differences compared to the espresso’s flavor.

After a perfect brewing process, you can have a nice shot of coffee by using an espresso machine, coffee maker, or etc.

Traditionally, it is not common to serve ristretto with milk, but you can add some milk and make it sweeter.

Of course, it depends on your palette and preferences to add milk or any other additive to your drink.


I'm interested in coffee and writing about it. I will try to provide you with useful information in this regard.

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