
Ryze Mushroom Coffee – All You Need To Know!

Mushroom coffee has less than half of the caffeine found in regular coffee. This type of coffee has many health benefits, for example improving concentration and increasing sustained energy, supporting the immune system, gut and digestive health.

What kind of mushrooms are used in this coffee?

  • Cordyceps
  • Lion’s Mane
  • Reishi
  • Turkey Tail
  • Shiitake
  • King Trumpet

What kind of mushrooms are used in this coffee?

This type of coffee does not have the side effects of regular coffee. For example, anger, increased heart rate and anxiety

Lion’s Mane

Buddhist monks used Lion’s Mane extensively to enhance focus and purpose in their study and meditation. Here to give calm, but laser sharp focus.

Lion's Mane

Could Protect Against Dementia

The brain’s ability to grow and form new connections typically declines with age, which may explain why mental functioning gets worse in many older adults. Studies have found that lion’s mane mushrooms contain two special compounds that can stimulate the growth of brain cells: hericenones and erinacines.

Additionally, animal studies have found that lion’s mane may help protect against Alzheimer’s disease, a degenerative brain disease that causes progressive memory loss.


Reishi mushroom is important in the traditional medicine systems of several Asian countries, including China, Japan, and Korea. A versatile superfood beloved in eastern medicine for thousands of years, “the mushroom of immortality” supports better mood and lowers anxiety. Here to relieve stress and ensure peaceful sleep.


Note: Reishi mushroom can cause dizziness, dry mouth, itching, nausea, upset stomach and skin rashes.


This type of mushroom improves immunity. First discovered high in the Himalayan plateaus over 2000 years ago, Cordyceps increases oxygenation to sustain energy and support rapid recovery. Here to bring out your inner athlete. Cordyceps is safe, but it may cause stomach upset, nausea and dry mouth in some people.


King Trumpet

King Trumpet delivers abundant healing value as an immunity elixir due to its high levels of amino acids and antioxidants. Here to fight inflammation and boost immunity.

Turkey Tail

Eye catching stripes give Turkey Tail its name, but its ability to protect the digestive system as an anti-microbial is the reason we include it. Here to protect your gut and promote healthy digestion. Turkey tail is a medicinal mushroom with an impressive range of benefits. It contains a variety of powerful antioxidants and other compounds that may help strengthen your immune system and even fight certain cancers.


Shiitake is most commonly found in cuisine but it has been cherished in eastern medicine as a medicinal supplement to keep viruses away and inflammation at bay. Here to keep you free from infection.

How much caffeine is there in the product?

A cup of coffee beans contains about 48 milligrams of caffeine.

Can you take it during pregnancy or breastfeeding?

While our product is completely safe to use during pregnancy or while breastfeeding, we always recommend consulting your doctor before repeated use.

Are you certified gluten free? Vegan?

ryzesuperfoods is currently working on getting gluten-free and vegetarian certification, but they claim that their products are gluten-free and vegan.

If you try mushroom coffee, be sure to share your opinion about it.


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