
How to Make Batch Brew Filter Coffee in 2024

As a popularized way of making coffee, using batch brew method is increasing in many coffee shops as a replacement for older coffee pot styles.

In fact, it is a different type of pour over filter coffee that has been made by using a commercial appliance as a filter machine.

Many people refer to this device as batch brewer and several brands are among top producers in the market.

They are small devices that heat up the water and disperse it over the coffee grounds.

The grounds are held inside a filter cone and by pouring hot water over it, the brew can fall into a bottom of the machine.

It worth mentioning that in recent years, in different countries like Australia, using batch brewer has become more popular and you can find them in many cafes.

Many home owners also use this appliance to make fresh coffee for their daily drink.

So, do you like filtered coffee?

If the answer is yes. And you want to enjoy a wonderful and delicious coffee in your home, it is a very good idea to consider batch brew as a useful device to obtain a filtered coffee.

For sure, it combines the quality of best manually brewed filtered coffee with the convenience of automation in batch brewer to give the best final result.

Remember that a commercial batch brewer can be used to prepare large amount of fresh coffee as fast as possible. It is not just fast and also gives a consistent and great result.

On the other hand, it is a cost effective way for producing coffee that has lower price per cup.

How do you make batch coffee?

Perhaps, as a coffee lover, you want to know how to prepare batch brew. But, before choosing a device or type of coffee, it is important to consider your preferences and palette. Because, batch brewer is a very versatile tool for brewing and you can have different type of coffee with different tastes by using it.

If you want to use espresso roast to enjoy your coffee, it is possible to try it by batch brew.

Depend on how a coffee lover enjoys it, a filter roast coffee in another choice.

What’s your preferences?

For the people who want a lighter and fruitier coffee, it is better to use coffees which have been roasted and grinded for filter brewing.

But, if you want to add milk to your drink, a coffee ground that has been roasted for espresso is recommended as a better choice. Because, it gives a bolder drink with lower acidity.

How do you make batch coffee?

how to enhance batch brew coffee taste?

There are different ways to enhance the flavor or taste of your coffee. For example, playing around with coffee grind to water ratio is a good way to get to the best taste which is based on your palette.

Milk, chocolate, ginger, cinnamon, and other additives can be a typical choice. Therefore, there are a huge number of ways to enjoy a batch brew coffee in your home by using different roasted coffee types and several additives.

What do you need to make coffee by batch brew method?

The tools and raw materials that you need to make a delicious drink in your home is important in the first step.

Here, we’re going to have a deeper look:

Batch brewer

A batch brewer is a must for preparing coffee in cafes or in your home. There are several brands that offer these appliances to the customers in the market.

Batch brewer

batch brewer price

It is important to note that a typical quality machine in the market may worth around 5 hundred dollars.

filter paper

A filter paper that is cone shaped filter in another important tool that has a great impact on the quality of your coffee drink.

coffee grind and water

Finally, you need clean water and coffee to begin brewing process by using your machine.

Steps to make batch brew coffee

Put the paper filter into the basket

It is important to fold the filter paper and the put it along the seams. It helps the filter to firmly lie in the basket.

Steps to make batch brew coffee

rinse the filter

Then, rinse it by using hot water. It helps in removing papery taste. Wait for a while until the rinse water drain.

Scale the coffee

Based on your need, it is necessary to scale the coffee grinds. A typical ratio is 60 grams of coffee ground with around 1 liter of water.

It is better to grind the coffee coarsely.

A pre-ground coffee is another choice.

 But, a better result will be the outcome of buying and then grinding coffee beans to the order.

pour the grinds into filter

Then, you can place the coffee grinds into the paper filter.

Level the top of coffee grounds in the basket filter and then place the filter basket on the batch brewer. Make sure that the base of the filter is open.

Fill batch brewer with water

Take the appropriate water volume and fill the reservoir in the device to begin brewing.

Level markings on the reservoir can help you to scale the water (if the device has them).

If not, you can use a scale or measuring jug. Then, you can activate the device and wait for the coffee to brew and become ready.

Remember that to extract coffee evenly, it is important to level up the surface. Make sure that you’ve done it correctly.

Serve the coffee!

After several minutes, which can be between 5 to 7 minutes, you can serve your fresh drink.

But, remember that it’s better to swirl the carafe. It ensures you that the drink is uniform before pouring and has a better flavor.

Remember you can increase or decrease the amount of coffee grounds to have a weaker or stronger drink.

It is entirely depending on you to increase 5 g or decrease it to make your coffee stronger or weaker respectively.

Brewing time

How long you wait for brewing has a great impact on final flavor and taste.

 An under-extracted coffee may taste sour. On the other hand, over extraction may give you a bitter drink.

Therefore, the amount of coffee and the brewing time can change the overall taste or body of your drink.

How do you use batch brew?

Does batch brew have less caffeine?

It depends on the amount of coffee that you use for brewing to measure the amount of caffeine.

Also, the type of coffee beans and several other factors may affect the amount of caffeine in your drink.

Therefore, we cannot say as a whole that batch brew coffee has less caffeine.

Some sources say that a cold brew typically has 100 mg of caffeine per 300 ml of drink.

While, in batch brew the amount of caffeine in a medium cup can be around 200 mg.

How much coffee you use in batch brew?

As we mentioned above, typically around 60 grams of coffee grounds for 1 liter of water is a common choice.

It means 30 grams of coffee per 500 ml of water and around 6 grams of coffee grinds for each 100 ml of water is enough.

But, based on your palette, you can increase or decrease the amount of coffee grounds to reach to the desired drink.

How long does batch brew coffee last?

There is no doubt that if you want to enjoy a fresh drink, you should drink is as soon as possible.

Perhaps, after brewing, you can serve it within 1 hour.

But, remember that if you wait too long the taste and the overall quality of your drink will decrease.

Best batch brew coffee machine

Today, several brands offer batch brewer with the capability of making coffee in high volume. They all have their similarity and differences that are important to note in the time of purchasing them in the market.

Of course, we can say that due to having high quality and special characteristics, there are several batch brew machine that are more popular. For example, Fecto and Marco are the two well-known brands in some countries that are among best commercial batch brew producers.

But, in every country, you may find several domestic producers that are more popular.

For sure, you can specify your country or region in your search to find best local batch brew producers or distributors in the area.


I'm interested in coffee and writing about it. I will try to provide you with useful information in this regard.

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