
All About Catuai Coffee; Features, Taste, Origin And Brewing Method

All about catuai and its difference with other types of coffee

catuai coffee is a type of coffee that brings its fruit by producing an average bean size. It looks denser and more compact than other coffee varieties.

The quality and the yield potential of this variety is relatively good, and for this reason it is considered as a commercial type of coffee in Brazil and Central America.

As a coffee lover, if you want to explore the diversity of coffee varieties, 100 percent catuai is one of the choices that provides a different flavor for your daily drink.

The plant begins to flower and give its seed from the third year. It requires high amount of nutrition to produce more yield.

Genetically, catuai has a strong lineage with the Mundo Novo (as a highly productive plant) and caturra (as a compact variety of coffee).

This type of coffee developed by a Brazilian institution and over the last decades it become a commercial type of coffee.

Small size of catuai allows farmers to plant them closely. For this reason, the density of plants can be doubled. It worth mentioning that regarding its size, catuai is more productive than Bourbon.

Let’s talk about the history and unique characteristics of catuai coffee:

Catuai Coffee
catuai meaning

History of catuai

Between 50 to 70 years ago, in an aim to create a commercial varietal of coffee, an institute in Sao Paulo developed catuai as a unique varietal of coffee plant in Brazil.

After its development, its wide cultivation in the country began in 1970s.

 Today, it is a unique red or yellow coffee that is an important commercial variety in American Latin countries.

After testing its plantation, several coffee producing countries that are located in the coffee belt, including Costa Rica and Guatemala, are growing this variety.

As we said above, the history of this type of coffee is not as long as other varieties, and is considered as a new commercial type of coffee.

Even though, as catuai flavor profile and quality is good and acceptable, it can be roasted to prepare a fresh and delicious drink for coffee lovers.

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history and catuai coffee variety

catuai coffee variety

Catuai is a hybrid coffee variety developed in Brazil in the 1950s. It is a cross between Mundo Novo and Caturra varieties and is known for its high yields and disease resistance. It is grown in many countries around the world, including Brazil, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua.

Catuai coffees tend to have a balanced body, mild acidity, and sweet, nutty flavors.

Color of catuai fruits

Perhaps one of the main characteristics of the fruits that catuai plants produce is their color.

Red catuai is a different catuai plant that has its own differences with yellow one.

Is it easy to grow catuai?

For people who have experience in growing coffee plant, it is not difficult to grow and care for catuai.

For example, many farmers and coffee growers in Brazil or other coffee producing countries can cultivate and produce coffee beans by planting this variety.

In fact, it is even easier to plant and care for this varietal.


Because, it grows smaller and for this reason is easier to maintain.

read more: Arabica Vs Colombian coffee


Does catuai gives a high yield?

Yes. One of the main characteristics of the plant is that it gives higher yield. Therefore, it is economically more important for some farmers who are looking for a commercial type of coffee.

Is it easy to harvest the crops?

Yes. This plant forms a denser bush and hedgerows. So, it is much easier to harvest the crops.

Can we grow catuai is full sun?

Yes. Many coffee growers know that planting catuai plant in full sun can bring fruits and will not impact the plant (as we witness in other varieties).

Why catuai is perfect for some farms?

As you know, coffee plant inherently prefers to grow in shade. It doesn’t like to be exposed to direct sunlight. So, it can be a reason to choose catuai coffee as an ideal plant for some farms that are exposed to sunlight.

Can we grow catuai in high altitude?

Yes. If you want to grow the plant in mountains, that have volcanic soil, or in farms that are located in higher altitude, catuai can grow well and produce a high yield.

Neither pacific sunshine nor mountain rainfall can have a negative effect on the plant growth.

Catuai flavor

caturra coffee taste: Depending on where you grow the coffee, its flavor profile can become quite different. So, it is not easy to talk about the flavor or taste of catuai coffee.

Caturra coffee is a type of Arabica coffee that is known for its sweet, fruity, and floral flavors. It has a light body with a mild acidity and a smooth finish. It is often described as having notes of citrus, honey, and caramel.

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Catuai flavor
catuai coffee taste

How to find best catuai with a unique flavor profile?

You need to test different products from different origin to find out about their taste and flavor profile.

Is roasting process in important?

Yes, how dark or light the beans have been roasted has a great impact on the final flavor profile of cup of coffee that you drink can vary a lot.

So, we cannot say that catuai coffee always has the same taste.

Taste notes of catuai

If you want to feel the note of warm spices or nuts, it is a good idea to try catuai. Notes like the taste or undertone of chocolate, almond, honey, and nutmeg are most common tasty notes that connoisseurs find in this beverage.

What about the body of catuai?

If you are looking to have a medium body coffee or if you prefer to feel a sweet finish, perhaps this variety can give you what you want to drink in the mornings.

What is the best level of roasting?

Level of roasting can have a great effect on the final taste and profile of your beverage. So, it seems that you need to have a close eye on the level of roasting.

what professionals say about roasting catuai?

Professional recommend to roast catuai coffee beans lightly. But, a medium roast also is a good idea to have a flavorful drink.

Keep in mind that due to the differences that we see in coffee lovers’ preferences, it is not easy to say which one is better.

But, if you want to enjoy a more enzymatic and complex flavor, something between light and medium roast gives the best result.

read more: Coffee Processing And Drying

How can I brew catuai?

You can use your favorite brewing method to prepare a fresh beverage for your daily drink.

Some coffee lovers say that after cold brewing, this variety can bring a chocolaty flavor with a nutty undertone.

But, we believe that all hot brewing methods (if you do them right) can bring a very tasty drink for you.

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Can I have catuai with deserts or foods?

Yes. It is a great way to enjoy your meal or snacks to have a cup of coffee.

Catuai can add depth to your food and be used as a complement.

Try to pair them like an expert by the rules of contrast and complement in serving food.

What coffee lovers say about catuai?

Wonderful! Perhaps, some coffee lovers say that catuai is the smoothest coffee that they had. But, different people do not have the same idea. because, they have their own preferences, so we can’t say that all coffee lovers have prefer catuai.

What does catuai mean?

The name is derived from a term that means very good. But, even catuai coffee is considered to be a good variety, it is not as great as other single origin and specialty coffees.

What are the types of catuai fruits?

We have 2 types of fruit:

  1. Yellow type fruits
  2. Red type fruits

Remember that in different countries, we may see different selection of yellow and red varieties.

What was the initial name of catuai?

H-2077 was the initial name of plant in 1949 when it was created from a crossing of Mundo novo and yellow Caturra.

Is catuai is more productive than caturra?

Studies have shown that the productivity of catuai is different from one farm to another. Also, in brazil the productivity of this variety is more than other countries like costa rica.

But, in countries like Honduras, there is no significant difference between the yield or productivity of catuai and caturra.

It is important to note that catuai beans’ production in countries like Costa Rica is about 20 percent of total coffee production.

Why we can grow catuai in full sun?

The density of the plant is the main reason that you can grow it in full sunshine.

Can I enjoy a different flavor profile by brewing catuai?

One of the best characteristics of coffee is that you can find different varietals that have their own characteristics.

This will let coffee lovers to brew and drink different types of coffee with different flavor profiles.

For sure, if you want to have a new experience in the world of coffee varietals, having a cup of 100% pure coffee catuai can help you to enjoy an excellent drink with a savory note.

When was catuai released?

Catuai coffee created in brazil and is a varietal between caturra and mundo novo.

It was released for cultivation in 1970s and its cultivation in still growing.

Which country produce more catuai?

Brazil is the biggest producing country of catuai that developed this varietal as yellow and red types of coffee. But, other countries like Honduras have tested the plant and grow it in their farms.

read more: Catimor Coffee Beans

catuai vs caturra

Catuai and Caturra are two varieties of coffee beans. Catuai is a hybrid of the Mundo Novo and Caturra varieties. It is a high-yielding, disease-resistant variety that produces a cup with a mild, sweet flavor. Caturra is a natural mutation of the Bourbon variety and is known for its high acidity and bright flavor. It is also a high-yielding variety but is more susceptible to disease.

how to pronounce catuai?

The correct pronunciation of catuai is kah-too-eye.


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