
Why Do My Hands Shake After Drinking Coffee? Can Caffeine Cause Hand Tremors?

Tremor, seen in different parts of the body, is an involuntary movement disorder that occurs as a result of contractions of muscles working against each other in the body. Excessive consumption of caffeine, stress and fatigue can cause tremors.

Caffeine is a stimulant that affects the central nervous system and in some people can cause hand tremors. When caffeine is the cause of hand tremors, it is known as enhanced physiologic tremors. This means that it does not have a specific medical reason and will be resolved.

Caffeine enters the bloodstream through the stomach and small intestine. When it enters the bloodstream, it stimulates the central nervous system, making you feel more awake. This consciousness can be felt as soon as 15 minutes after consuming a cup of coffee.

According to the American Psychological Association, caffeine not only increases mental stimulation, but it can also raise your blood pressure and cause gastrointestinal irritation or tremors.

This is the reason why many people experience hand tremors or body tremors in general after drinking coffee.

Is it normal to have body tremors after drinking coffee?

If you’ve ever had a few cups of coffee or other caffeinated beverages, you may feel your hands start to shake or you may even feel your whole body shaking.

Is it normal to have body tremors after drinking coffee

The cause of body and hand tremors after drinking coffee

When you enjoy drinking delicious coffee or other coffees, you should be careful not to overdo it. Because a lot of caffeine stimulates your nerve cells and this causes tremors in the body. That feeling of your heart beating too fast can be terrifying.

You may feel like you’re having a heart attack or feel dizzy and scared. Therefore, excessive heartbeat is also included in the list of dangerous cases. These symptoms cause nervous tremors in the body. In fact, caffeine causes symptoms similar to anxiety disorders in healthy people. Like increasing blood pressure, body temperature, and heart rate.

Now, if a person is suffering from anxiety disorders, caffeine will worsen the symptoms and anxiety conditions of the person. Of course, caffeine affects people in the same way.

Some people’s bodies are more sensitive to it, and others can handle caffeine to some extent. These symptoms are caused by changes and intensification in sleep.
Sleep deprivation can have a negative effect on the nervous system and cause the body to produce more stress hormones.

Hands Shake After Drinking Coffee

How is the tremor after drinking coffee diagnosed?

  • Since tremors are a symptom, not a medical condition, your doctor will focus on finding the cause of your tremors. This is key, because the treatment for tremors depends on what is causing it
  • Does your tremor happen when you’re not moving? This type of “rest tremor” is often related to conditions that affect your nervous system. such as Parkinson’s or MS. In Parkinson’s disease, tremors often get better when you move your limbs.
  • Do you experience tremors when you try to hold a part of your body (usually your arm) against gravity? This type of tremor, which can also be caused by movement, can be caused by a physiological tremor (If your thyroid gland is overactive or you are anxious or have consumed a lot of caffeine, it may be exaggerated).
  • Does your tremors get worse when you try to point at something specific? This tremor is called intention, and it may indicate a problem in a part of your brain called the cerebellum.
  • What part or parts of your body are affected by the tremors? For example, essential tremor often begins in one hand or arm, as does Parkinson’s disease tremor.
  • Is it always there? (i.e. constantly or whenever you do a movement that causes it) or can you sometimes sit still or move without any tremors? If it’s intermittent, what causes it (eg caffeine, when you’re feeling stressed)?

shaky hands after drinking coffee

Treating hand tremors after drinking coffee

  • Reduce caffeine intake. The University of Washington Medical Center says that 400 mg of caffeine is generally considered “too much” for most adults.
  • Drink plenty of water to help you stay hydrated. Coffee is a diuretic, which can cause you to pass more urine, potentially leading to dehydration.
  • Practice breathing exercises to help soothe nerves and tremors.
  • You may need emergency care if you experience severe symptoms, such as a fast heart rate, a skipped heartbeat, and dizziness.


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