
Liberica Coffee – Benefits, Features, Taste And Types Of Brands Of This Rare Coffee

Do you know that coffee liberica is one of the special coffee bean varieties?

Liberica is a varietal of coffee beans that makes up only 2 to 3 percent of global coffee production. But, this varietal may gain more popularity and more demands in the future.

Once, due to the spread of disease that wiped out a large portion of the global Arabica coffee production, it was more critical. But today, liberica is not a key player in the global market.

Even though, due to the climate changes and the sensitivity of Arabica varieties, we may see a comeback for Liberia beans in the future.

With a floral and fruity hint of Liberica coffee, it gives a unique flavor with a very deep smokiness. For this reason, some people describe this varietal as a woody drink.

Keep in mind that coffee liberica has a full body and therefore it is not a choice for everyone. But, you can find some exceptional beans that if you prepare them in a right way, it is possible to enjoy a fresh drink.

Let’s dive a bit more and explain why Liberica is different from other varieties.

What is the difference between Arabica and Liberica ?

Many coffee lovers brew Arabica and Robusta coffee grounds to prepare fresh drink for their daily consumption. But, as a third species, Liberica is a type of bean that is mostly consumed in countries like Philippines.

  • Which one is better?

As you know, many people consider Arabica as a sweeter variety compared to Robusta and other species.

Liberica on the other hand has a chocolaty and smoky taste. Therefore, some people love this varietal. While others hate it.

Due to the differences in the flavor profile, you may also prefer one of them based on your palette.

liberica coffee bean
arabica vs robusta vs liberica

How to grow Liberica tree?

If you provide good condition for growing the tree, Liberica will thrive and gives its crop.

This tree needs well-drained soil and light shade. It is worth mentioning that compared to Arabica, Liberica works better in poor soils.

Keep in mind that Liberica grows much taller than other popular coffee varieties. Therefore, its tree is taller than Arabica and Robusta plants.

liberica coffee beans for sale

Liberica beans shape

Also, the beans that are harvested from this tree are irregular in their shape. They are larger than Arabica beans.

Where the Liberica is originated?

Coffea liberica originated in Central and West Africa. But, Malaysia and the Philippines were among the first countries to grow this varietal. Also in Indonesia, there are several Liberica producers.

In the 19th century, this variety introduced to the south east Asia. Today, Philippines is still a large producer and consumer if Liberica . It is also the biggest exporter of this crop to the global markets.

Where the Arabica is originated?

Here, it is important to note that coffee Arabica is also originated in Africa. But, the people in Yemen first cultivated this variety. Therefore, the name Arabica comes from its cultivation in Yemen as an Arabic country in southwest Asia.

Is Liberica coffee strong?

Of course! By having a unique and strong flavor, Liberica has a smoky flavor. Many people in the Philippines colloquially call the Liberica with the name “barako”. This word means “manly” in English.

This is due to the overpowering and to dense characteristics of this type of coffee.

liberica coffee flavor

liberica coffee benefits

  1. Liberica coffee is known for its full-bodied flavor and strong aroma.
  2. It is also known for its high caffeine content, making it a great pick-me-up for those who need a boost of energy.
  3. Liberica coffee is also known to have a higher level of antioxidants than other coffee varieties, which can help protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals.
  4. It can also help to reduce inflammation and improve your overall health.
  5. Liberica coffee is also known to have a lower acidity level than other coffee varieties, making it easier on your stomach.
  6. Finally, it is also known to be more sustainable than other coffee varieties

liberica coffee flavor

Liberica coffee has a unique flavor profile that is described as earthy, herbal, and smoky. It also has a strong aroma and a full body with a slightly sweet aftertaste. It is often compared to Robusta coffee, but it has a more intense flavor and aroma.

is liberica coffee good?

Liberica coffee is a rare and unique coffee variety that is known for its strong, full-bodied flavor profile. It has a distinctively sweet, fruity flavor with notes of chocolate and spice. It is often described as having a “wild” flavor, and can be quite intense.

Liberica coffee is also known for its high caffeine content, making it a great choice for those who need a strong, energizing cup of coffee.

liberica coffee plant

The Liberica coffee plant is a species of coffee plant native to western and central Africa. It is a tall, evergreen tree that grows up to 20 meters in height and produces large, dark green leaves and white flowers. The Liberica coffee plant produces large, oval-shaped beans that are known for their strong, full-bodied flavor.

The beans are also known for their unique aroma, which is described as having notes of fruit, chocolate, and spice. The Liberica coffee plant is one of the three main species of coffee plants, along with Arabica and Robusta.

Green Liberica coffee beans

Green Liberica coffee beans are coffee beans that have not yet been roasted. They are usually green in color and have a slightly earthy flavor. They can be used to make a variety of coffee drinks, including espresso, cappuccino, and latte. Green Liberica beans are known for their high caffeine content and intense flavor.

Why some people are fan of Liberica?

The flavor of Liberica coffee is the main reason that some people are fan of it. Particularly, due to having a floral undertone that is spicy as well, many consumers may love and appreciate the taste of this coffee.

But keep in mind that in term of caffeine content, Robusta is the strongest well-known coffee in the global markets.

Why is Liberica rare?

As we mentioned above, Liberica production is limited to several countries in the world. Therefore, the number of coffee producers who cultivate it is not as much as Arabica producers.

This means that Liberica coffee beans are difficult to find in many countries. Perhaps, you’ve never seen them in the market and for this reason you want to have more information about where you can buy it in the market.

Why is Liberia rare?

Why is liberica coffee not popular?

The characteristics of this crop makes it quite different. The flavor profile of Liberica is the main reason that many people may prefer to have Robusta or Arabica seeds.

A floral and nutty taste with the hints of chocolate that is accompanied by a smoky taste makes Liberia either the prefect or worst choice for some people.

Some people claim that if you try liberica, there is no other way except you hate it or love it.

It seems that many people hate the taste. Therefore, the drink is not popular in many part of globe. But, the other main reason is that many people do not have access to the liberica species. Therefore, they do not know its taste to either love or hate it.

Liberica vs Arabica

Comparing Liberica and Arabica can be done by considering several aspects. But, many people want to compare them in term of taste.

If you are a coffee lover or even if you drink coffee occasionally, you know about the taste and flavor of Arabica beans.

Of course, they have different flavor due to their brewing method and the amount of coffee and water that you use for preparing a drink.

On the other hand, the roasting profile and the additives that you use to prepare a drink have a great impact on the final taste of your Arabica coffee drink.

It is the same for liberica and the roasting and brewing method can have great impact on the overall taste of coffee.

But as a whole, there are differences that we mentioned above about the liberica beans in this article.

Liberica vs Arabica
liberica coffee beans

arabica vs robusta vs liberica

Arabica, Robusta, and Liberica are three different species of coffee beans. Arabica is the most popular and widely consumed coffee bean, and is known for its mild flavor and delicate aroma. Robusta is a more bitter and intense coffee bean, with a higher caffeine content than Arabica. Liberica is a rarer coffee bean, with a strong, smoky flavor and a unique aroma.

Liberica Coffee, the Sweetest Coffee in the World

With only one percent of the world’s population, the Liberica species has little chance of making it to the lips of everyone.

While each coffee type has its unique characteristics, Liberica coffee plants have the highest sugar content.

Looking at your five taste sensations, sweetness is likely to be highlighted in luxury foods such as wine and coffee. So why doesn’t this sweet coffee reach the pinnacles of the world?

There are several reasons for this:

Height and Difficulty in Harvesting:

Liberica plants grow up to 15 meters, making harvesting challenging. Coffees deemed “acceptable” for the mass market typically grow to about two meters. Liberica trees are often only used as shade trees, and the cherries are left for collectors as a sweet bonus.

Pests and Preference for Sweeter Trees:

Many coffee pests, like the “Broca beetle” are attracted to the sweetness of Liberica trees. Therefore, coffee farmers prefer to have these trees on the outer edges rather than at the core of their plantations.

Fate of Liberica Trees – “Sacrificial Trees” or “Broca Hotels

The journey from the outer edge of the plantation to the drying yard is very long for Liberica trees. High sugar content here becomes a hindrance as fermentation starts immediately. If Liberica is not processed quickly enough, the coffee will have an undesirable taste due to the fermentation of the muted and unpleasant raw notes.

Commercializing this knowledge is not easy, especially considering that Liberica trees have a high resistance to pests, which is not beneficial for fertilizer sales.

For these reasons, Libericas never make it into the hands of good green coffee traders or enter competitions to be judged by expert panels. So, they never make it to the global market.

Does Liberica coffee smell good?

One another main difference between Liberica and two popular species is the smell of its beans. When you are roasting this bean and even after roasting and brewing, a distinct smell comes from the coffee. It’s a strong smell like the smell of durian.

It is important to note that this smell is very strong and in southeast Asian countries, you are not allowed to bring durian on airplanes.

Where to buy Liberica coffee?

As they are commercially produced, you can buy Liberica beans in the local markets in southeast Asian countries.

For example, the local producers in Indonesia sell this type of beans in different part of the country.

Also, by increasing the number of online platforms that offer Liberica beans in global markets, it has become easier to find and order them on online websites. Therefore, you can buy and try this type of coffee bean and see if you either appreciate its taste or hate it.

How to enjoy Liberica?

As we mentioned above, it depends on your palette to whether enjoy Liberica or hate it. But, if you want to enjoy it in a Filipino way, you have to take a cup of this drink as a breakfast staple.

Today, to help local farmers, many independent roasters try to brew this coffee beans in a way to promote it. It can make them a mainstream.

Can I brew Liberica by espresso machine?

If you want to brew it in your home, simply purchase and brew liberica coffee in the way you brew espresso.

Some professionals claim that the signature and strong flavor of Liberica make it a perfect choice for espressos.

What is the Liberica coffee bean?

The Liberica coffee plant has seeds that are referred to as coffee beans. In fact, these seeds are in the heart of the coffee cherry.

Coffee cherry is the fruit of the plant and after removing the beans, they are washed and dried.

Then, after roasting and grinding them, you can brew a fresh drink with chocolaty flavor and deep smokiness.

“Get acquainted with 4 different methods of coffee roasting.” read more: coffee roast

What is liberca coffee bean?

What are the main types of coffee beans?

The main types of coffee beans in the world are as follows:

  1. Arabica
  2. Robusta
  3. liberica
  4. Excels

Therefore, we have 4 types of coffee beans. They have significantly different taste profile.

Final thought

Many people know about the Arabica and the Robusta, as two main species of coffee beans that are grown commercially in different parts of the globe.

Today, Arabica by has around 60 percent of global coffee production is the most popular type of coffee seed. Robusta also has a large portion of the coffee production industry. But, species like Liberica are less known for consumers, especially in Western countries.

Therefore, perhaps you’ve never had the opportunity to buy and brew it in your home. Also, many coffee shops and cafes do not have liberica on their menu.

But, by having around 2 percent of global production, especially in the countries like the Philippines that are main producers of liberica beans, this coffee has its own popularity.

To supply the demands in global markets, it also has the potential to be produced on a larger scale.

Especially, if diseases or other factors decrease Arabica’s global production, Liberica can be a good option to provide a chocolaty and nutty for coffee lovers around the world.


I'm interested in coffee and writing about it. I will try to provide you with useful information in this regard.

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