
Guatemala Coffee Bean Buying Guide – Caffeine Content

As a world-class coffee that ranks in the top ten producing and exporting countries, Guatemala coffee beans are particular and for several reasons coffee fanatics prefer to purchase this type of coffee to brew their drink.

It can give a full bodied and perfect balance with a complex flavor. Therefore, many people want to find out more about the brewing methods of Guatemala coffee beans and their tastes or characteristics.

It’s been less than two hundred years that the country began to cultivate the plant widely. And now, Guatemala is offering a variety of coffee beans with different taste profiles and flavors.

As we’ll mention later, Guatemala is a well-known premium coffee producer in the world that has been growing coffee plants in different regions across the country.

It means that learning about the history or facts about the Guatemala coffee beans is more interesting than you may think.

So, if you want to enjoy the optimum quality of these coffee beans that has come from Central America, read on to learn a bit more about this brew and its specialty.

The Best Guatemalan Coffee

  • Antigua Santa Barbara Coffee.
  • Dark Huehuetenango Coffee.
  • Huehuetenango Coffee.
  • Pacamara Santa Felise Coffee.
  • Antigua Coffee.
  • San Marcos Coffee.
  • Huehuetenango Blend.

Are Guatemala coffee beans good?

Many coffee lovers have noticed that Central America produces some of the best coffee beans in the globe.

Perhaps, when you want to consider a fresh coffee drink as a good and tasty beverage, you will try to compare its flavor, aroma, and other characteristics to other coffee beans.

In the case of Guatemala coffee beans, the taste or flavor is entirely dependent on the region that they are grown in it.

Some regions may produce coffee beans with a fruity flavor. Other regions may offer beans with the hints of floral and citrus notes. Some people may notice cocoa taste or chocolatey flavor in their drinks.

Are Guatemala coffee beans good?

The body of Guatemala coffee beans

The body of the coffee drinks that are brewed by Guatemala coffee beans is smooth and full.

The drink acidity range is in different level that can change from low to high.

In brief, we can say that Guatemala coffee beans are:

  • full bodied
  • sweet
  • strong
  • with complex flavor notes

So, what is the most important consideration when we are purchasing Guatemala coffee beans?

If you want to have best drink by using a good Guatemala coffee beans, we recommend you to buy organic products. They are the best option that offer health benefits.

Therefore, don’t forget that certified organic beans are among the best options that offer premium quality as well.

If you roast them perfectly, they will have low acidity and there is no need to worry about their burning taste.

Guatemala coffee beans

Colombian vs Guatemala coffee beans

To know more about the two types of beans and compare them, it is good idea to mention their flavor.

Therefore, we’ll try to note the taste and flavor of Colombian beans.


Colombian coffee beans

As the most common coffee beans brewed in the west, when you compare Colombian beans with other common coffee beans in the market, you may find a full body taste that is balanced and has a lower acidity.

The floral and bright flavor of Colombian coffee drinks are distinguishable from other types of coffees in the market. They are perfect choice for drinkers who are looking for a more traditional coffee.

Guatemala coffee beans, on the other hand, offer a drink with a range of flavor that we briefly discussed above. They have different level of acidity and are entirely dependent on the type of Guatemalan beans that you purchase.

Darker, medium, or light roasting?

It worth mentioning that the roasting profile of Guatemala beans are important in final taste of coffee.

While, darker roast is a popular choice for many coffee lovers, many others have a more passion for medium to light roasting profiles.

What type of coffee beans are grown in Guatemala?

Pache, Bourbon, and Catuai are popular coffee beans in Guatemala. It is worth mentioning that Arabica is a popular type of coffee that has been grown in different regions in Guatemala. Several famous brands offer this type of coffee to customers in the market.

They’ve been grown in different regions in rich soils that are full of minerals. Also, the rainy and cloudy air condition creates a perfect condition that allows us to have a balanced coffee with strong aroma.

History of Coffee in Guatemala

Even the introducing of coffee plants to country goes back to 1700s. The rapid growth of Guatemala coffee beans cultivation in the country achieved in 1800s.

Nowadays, Guatemala coffee bean has a great fame and reputation by offering a full body and high quality coffee and as we can see the country has been among 5 to 10 top producers and exporters of coffee beans in global market.

More than 1 hundred thousand producers in different regions inside country are driving the industry and Guatemala coffee beans consists near 40 percent of agricultural exports.


What is Guatemala coffee known for?

A complex flavor which has a hint of cocoa is the most notable flavor in Guatemala coffee. Of course, as we mentioned, Guatemala has different regions that have different condition for growing coffee.

Therefore, you may require to expect the coffee products to have different properties.

Important factors like different soil, elevation, microclimate conditions can affect the final products. So, it is necessary to consider their differences.

Guatemala coffee production growth

Despite several difficulties, it is now for decades that Guatemala coffee beans industry is growing.

Perhaps, many top producers on the world are trying to increase the volume of the production. But, the Guatemala is famous for producing high quality organic coffee beans.

We mentioned the unique taste and flavor of this type of coffee and the different level of acidity that it may offer to coffee lovers.

In the following, more hints and notes will be given to the readers to know more about this types of coffee beans.

Does Guatemala have best coffee?

Of course, Guatemala coffee beans are among best products in the market. But, everyone may have its own preferences and based on your palette, you may prefer other types of coffee beans.

Therefore, as a whole, we cannot say that Guatemala or other types of coffee are the best coffee beans in the market.

On the other hand, the brewing methods are different and this means that every type of bean may be suitable for a different brewing method.

Anyway, you can purchase different coffee beans and try them to find out more about the differences.

Fortunately, several brands offer single origin coffee to the customers in the market and you can purchase and try it to find out more about their flavor or taste.

In worth mentioning that between several regions in Guatemala, Antiqua’s growing condition combined with fertile soils will give one of the unique coffee bean products in the country. But, the other regions also may have premium quality products as well.


Guatemala coffee beans taste

Coffee lovers in the south American countries may describe the fresh coffee drinks that brewed by using Guatemala coffee beans as clear, fresh, and mouthfeel beverages that are balanced and solid as well.

But, don’t forget that the brewing method and level of roasting are important in having a perfect cup of fresh coffee. Therefore, learning about brewing methods and roasting profiles will give you a much better taste in final drink.

For this reason, we are going to discuss a bit more about brewing methods that are popular in preparing coffee by using Guatemala coffee beans as a flavorful drink:

Pour over

The best picks for a pour over drink is light roasted Guatemala coffee beans. It which brings a natural acidity to your drink.

After pouring water over the freshly ground beans, you will have a perfect flavor coming out through the filter. Finally, you have a smooth and freshly brewed drink.

French press

A strong flavor and robust drink is the direct result of the immersion method by French press.

If you want to prepare coffee by this method, it is better to use darker roasted beans and try to extract a full body and sweet beverage. Finally, you can enjoy a flavorful and aromatic coffee.

Cold brew

A new trend for brewing Guatemala coffee beans by cold water is becoming more popular in recent years.

As natural sweetness of Guatemalan beans with a mild acidity and smooth body come out of the cold brew method, coffee lovers can expect a creamy and delicious drink at the end.

Guatemala coffee characteristics

When comparing to other types of Arabica coffee beans, Guatemala coffee is high in caffeine. But, there are other characteristics that are important as well.

Properties like taste, aroma, and acidity are other characteristics that we’ve mentioned in this text.

Guatemala coffee characteristics

colombian vs guatemalan coffee

Colombian coffee is known for its rich, full-bodied flavor and its mild acidity. It is often described as having a nutty or chocolate-like flavor.

Guatemalan coffee is known for its sweet, chocolatey flavor and its medium acidity. It is often described as having a smooth, sweet taste with a hint of spice. Both coffees are excellent choices for espresso drinks and other coffee-based beverages.

final word

Guatemala coffee beans are considered among best types of coffee in Central America.

They’ve come from different regions in the country. Therefore, you may want to learn more about complex flavor of each of them.

Especially, when you find out that nowadays different brands are offering these products from different regions of Guatemala to the customers in the market and coffee fanatics are looking for recommendation to buy best Guatemala coffee beans to brew it.

If you are looking for the same advice to buy Guatemala coffee, we recommend you to buy organic and single origin products that are offered by the best brands. For sure, this will give you a better and healthier drink at the end!


I'm interested in coffee and writing about it. I will try to provide you with useful information in this regard.

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