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Kona Coffee; The World’s Most Expensive Coffee (What Makes it Different?) + How to Brew

Coffee is a product that has a common culture all over the world and is served in different regions with different cooking methods. We all like to enjoy this delicious drink throughout the day by choosing different coffees from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep at night.

Kona coffee, which is one of the most expensive coffees in the world, is grown only on an island called Hawaii. There is definitely something special about Kona coffee that sets this premium bean apart from the rest. Here you can find out why Hawaiian Kona coffee is so unique, where it grows and what it tastes like.

The World's Most Expensive Coffee

The following topics will be reviewed:

  • What is the history of Kona coffee and how is it made?
  • Here is the Hawaiian Kona Coffee recipe and its features.

What is Kona coffee?

Kona coffee, considered among the 10 most expensive coffees in the world by coffee experts, is a unique type of tropical coffee in the Hawaiian region. This coffee, as hard as it is to find, is grown in only one place in the world.

Kona is a market name for a type of coffee that grows only in the Hualalai and Mauna Loa regions located in the northern and southern parts of the island of Hawaii.

What is Kona coffee?

This coffee grows on the slopes of a volcano called Mauna Loa. Kona coffee is named after the region in which it is grown. It is saturated with the heat of the sun because it receives a lot of sun in the morning. In the afternoon it is exposed to rain. Therefore, tree fruits have a porous structure. What sets this coffee apart from others is that it grows in fertile soils. It is soft coffee that does not need milk and cream.

The aroma of this coffee is categorized as floral, fruity, nutty, caramel and chocolate, which of course also depends on its roasting.

What’s the history of Kona coffee?

The English who came to Hawaii from Brazil in 1828 brought these coffee beans with them. The first seeds, which are considered the ancestors of Kuna, begin to be planted on the slopes of Mauna Loa.

This coffee is considered one of the most mineral types of coffee in the world. It is also known as a cherry tree because of its dark red fruits.

The collapse of the great coffee market in 1899 led Kona coffee to collapse. Despite this, Kona coffee continues to be cultivated today by families from the Philippines and Europe.

What's the history of Kona coffee?

How is Kona coffee produced?

After collecting Kona coffees, they pass through the machine in less than 24 hours. The pulp and skin separate easily. The wet green beans are taken to the tanks to spend the night in fermentation. Washed coffee beans are dried for 14 days. After drying, they are loaded into 60-kilo sacks as beans or ground coffee and ready to sell.

How to prepare Kona coffee?

  1. After grinding and roasting, Kona coffee is ready to drink.
  2. It can be prepared both by brewing methods under pressure, such as espresso, and by filter brewing.
  3. Different brewing methods like V60, chemex, aeropress can also be suitable.
  4. It tastes like spices and chocolate.
  5. This is an ideal flavor for those who like mild coffee.

Read more about this: Which Is Better Espresso Or Filter Coffee? [Cultivation, Taste And Method Of Brewing]

Why Kona coffee is expensive?

The high price of Kona coffee is due to its rarity. 2.7 million tons of coffee beans are produced every year. A large percentage is sold directly to farmers.

Hawaii has restricted the land where Kona coffee beans can be grown, which reduces the availability of land.

Its price is affected by the cost of equipment and the transportation of fertilizers, as well as the transportation of coffee beans to the island.

What does Kona coffee taste like?

It should also be said about its taste that it has a sweet taste by default, which may be mild or spicy. Despite its mild taste, it is interesting that Kona coffee is a spicy type of coffee. When you drink Kona coffee, one of the dominant flavors you get is spice and another is chocolate. The reason for this is the mineral substances that this coffee bean grows in volcanic areas, it takes from the soil.

The unique taste of Kona coffee means that you don’t need factors such as milk or cream when drinking it. Does not allow you to take it with sugar.

What does Kona coffee taste like?

What makes Kona coffee beans different from other coffee beans?

Aside from its unique growing region, the climate and volcanic soil provide ideal conditions for Kona coffee beans.

The western slopes of the Kona Mountains, which are rich in minerals. They provide shelter from the elements and provide natural watering on sunny mornings with light rains in the afternoons daily. This is what makes this coffee so special.

Conclusion about Kona Hawaiian coffee

Hawaiian Kona coffee can be recognized by its shiny and well-shaped beans. It is one of the most expensive and exclusive types of coffee in the world. Coffee lovers appreciate its full taste. Kona coffee beans are based on special conditions of production. It is also referred to as Hawaiian brown gold. Many people ask us about the taste of this coffee. I must say it is a good combination of cinnamon, nuts and milk chocolate. I highly recommend this if you like a mild coffee taste.

Hawaiian Kona coffee is perhaps the most well-known gourmet coffee in the world after Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee. These coffees are grown on the largest island of the Hawaiian archipelago, which is located almost in the middle of the ocean. They are different from all other coffees with their rich and complex taste.


I'm interested in coffee and writing about it. I will try to provide you with useful information in this regard.

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