
Specialty vs. Commercial Coffee [4 Main Differences]

Coffee! In recent decades, a beverage has emerged as a necessary part of many people’s everyday lives. Because of the caffeine in coffee, it is one of the drinks that people consume throughout the day to provide them with energy.

The remarkable thing about coffee is that it also varies according to its popularity of coffee. For the most part, coffee can be split into specialty and commercial.

Most coffee consumers believe specialty coffee to be elite, whereas most regular coffee drinkers are only acquainted with commercially produced coffee.

Some people may not even be aware of the distinction between commercial coffee and specialty coffee, which is understandable. They believe that all coffees are harsh and acidic rather than the opposite.

The most significant distinction between the two is how they are harvested and prepared for eating. In contrast to commercial coffee, which is often mass-produced, specialty coffee needs more focus and support.

Throughout this post, we’ll go over the many varieties of coffee and how they are graded. We invite you to join us if you are also interested in this subject and coffee in general and would want to learn more about it.

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What is specialty coffee?

In this video, there are more explanations about specialty coffee and the product that you can watch now.

What is specialty coffee?

In reality, high-quality variables incorporate accurate controls throughout the preparation chain, which helps to guarantee that high-quality outcomes are produced.

If you go back in time, you will see that the third wave of coffee started in the early 2000s and marked a significant shift in how coffee was served.

Specialty coffee is one of the costliest drinks available today, and it is drunk by the majority of the population.

Rather than just an ordinary cup of coffee, this is a high-quality beverage with an SCA 80 or higher grade with distinctive tastes such as caramel, citrus, fruit, or floral undertones.

Additionally, according to the definition of specialist coffee, this sort of coffee is grown in the highlands with great care and attention by the farmers themselves.

After harvesting, specialty coffee is sold at a high price to coffee retailers or straight to roasting equipment, depending on the region.

Farmers then construct bespoke profiles for each coffee, enhancing the beans’ natural taste as they work their way through the harvesting process.

Quality beverages are then created by baristas, who utilize freshly brewed coffee and specialized equipment to make them professionally.

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Specialty coffee drinks

Reading this article is recommended: Coffee Vs Cappuccino

Coffee Scoring 

Coffee Scoring 

To take a more technical look, the Speciality Coffee Association (SCA) has developed an appropriate rating system to determine if coffee is a specialty or not.

Many wine enthusiasts will be able to correlate this rating to the 100-point Wine Spectator scale. Specialty coffee is defined as receiving roughly 80 out of 100, with a peak rating of more than 90 points being considered extraordinary.

In general, there are three characteristics to consider when purchasing specialty coffee:

  • Harvesting coffee by hand is a labor-intensive process.
  • Obtain a degree that is higher than 80.
  • Having less than five faults in every 12 ounces of product.

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What is commercial coffee?

What is commercial coffee?

A form of coffee used to describe coffee on the commodities market called “C-Market” is commercial coffee.

Coffee is one of the products in this market that is often exchanged in global communication, and it is also one of the most expensive.

Indeed, Commercial coffee refers to any coffee produced in large quantities and marketed and roasted by prominent brands.

Most individuals first encounter coffee when they purchase it from a coffee shop. It is most generally referred to as instant coffee.

Compared to specialty coffee, commercial coffee is less properly brewed and tends to be more acidic and harsher in flavor. Commercial coffee is seen more as a commodity than anything else.

This coffee is often purchased and roasted by large corporations and sold in large quantities.

These coffees often have a score of less than 75. However, some coffee specialists may argue that coffees with temperatures below 80 degrees are considered commercial.

So far, we’ve discussed the article on what coffee is and the many varieties of coffee that exist. We’ve been familiar with two sorts of coffee: specialty coffee and commercial coffee, and we’ve learned more about both. In the next section, we will analyze and compare these two sorts. Please bear with us.

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Specialty Coffee vs. Commercial

Specialty vs. Commercial Coffee: What is the difference between the two?

Several tales and different sorts of coffee have prompted thought and discussion.

  • What do you know about the cup of coffee that you are presently holding in your hands?
  • Do you truly know what kind of coffee you consume regularly? Is coffee a commercial product or a specialty product?
  • Is it possible for you to understand the primary distinctions between professional and commercial coffee?

In this part, we’ve gathered information to help you find the answers to your queries.

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There are significant distinctions between specialty coffee and commercial coffee, including the following:

Beans are classified according to their kind.

There are two primary varieties of coffee:

  • Arabica is the most widely grown coffee globally, accounting for 60 percent of the total market. The truth is that Arabica seeds have a high monetary worth, and this is because they are less bitter and have a delightful flavor.
  • Robusta: Robusta seeds are more flexible while developing and have a bitterer flavor than other varieties of coffee.

Finally, it is essential to note that specialty coffee is made from Arabica beans. Most commercial coffees are either wholly from Robusta beans or a blend of Arabica and Robusta.

Read more about this: Arabica vs. Robusta

Production costs are a significant expense.

The price gap between commercial and specialty coffee is one of the most significant and noticeable distinctions between the two types of coffee.

Because of intense harvesting and processing, specialty coffee is costly, which raises the product’s price. In addition, as we discussed in the preceding part, Arabica is a specialty coffee whose development is more complex and time-consuming, and its harvesting efficiency, which results in a further rise in its price.

Other reasons that contribute to the higher cost of specialty coffee include the high accuracy required at each stage of the process – from roasting to packing – and the fact that everything is done in small quantities with human participation.

The benefit of this is complete transparency at every step and excellent quality in the final result.

read more: Store Bean And Ground Coffee At Home

The origins of beans

The primary region of coffee production, where the vast majority of the world’s coffee is cultivated, is situated between the latitude tropics.

This area produces the vast majority of specialty coffees. In truth, the origin of coffee impacts the flavor and quality of the beverage. Climate, altitude, soil type, and other growth circumstances affect the ultimate taste.

Many customers, particularly those who are more active in the coffee industry, place a high value on the origin of their coffee.

Specialty coffee is the sole source for a broad market in which the head is the most critical aspect. On the other hand, commercial coffee is often sourced from various needs to lower prices.

However, this results in a mixture of ambiguous tastes and qualities.

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Conditions for selection as well as quality control

Another distinction between commercial and specialty coffees is how the beans are gathered and one of the most fundamental distinctions. Specialty coffee must be hand-picked to be considered authentic.

By selecting the berries by hand, you can guarantee that only the most delicate berries are harvested, and the least amount of harm is done to the plants.

Specialty coffee can aid in the improvement of working conditions since it places a higher value on fair trade than on the essential commercialization of coffee.

Although commercial coffees could also be hand-picked, machines often manufacture them to speed up the process and keep prices down.

Specialized coffee comprises the following processes in the selection procedure, which expert employees carry out to eliminate damaged berries from the crop. This provides specialty coffee with a distinct edge in terms of quality control.

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What does commercial coffee mean?

Which one is better; specialty coffee or commercial coffee?

We have reached the critical point when deciding which is superior: specialty coffee or commercial coffee.

Alternatively, what about commercial coffee or specialty coffee? Which of the following is preferable, based on the facts you have gathered?

Nothing, without a doubt, can compete with specialty coffee when it comes to capturing the actual flavor of the coffee.

While commercial coffee, on the other hand, provides comfort. The benefit of specialty coffee is that you know precisely when your coffee was roasted, where it originated, and what to anticipate from a brew.

Finally, it is a more favorable option for customers and the coffee industry.

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Finally, it may be concluded…

In conclusion, it can be said that if you want quality and value, you should buy specialty coffee and not be concerned about the price.

However, if money is important to you and you aren’t worried about how the coffee is produced and roasted, you may go for commercial coffee.

Explain what sort of coffee you drink and what aspects of coffee are valuable to you in the comment part.

What Percentage Of Coffee Is Specialty

Coffee producing industry has a very big market all over the globe. Every year many farmers all over the globe grow and harvest their beans to distribute it in the market.

Several countries in Africa, central and south America, and Asia including brazil and Vietnam are among the biggest coffee growing regions in the globe. The value of coffee beans harvested and exported to global markets is billions of dollars.

But, the important note is that “do we have a lot of bean that are considered as specialty?”

It is very interesting to talk and learn more about the percentage of coffee that is specialty and the speed of growth for this type of coffee.

The amount of specialty coffee production in the world is increasing. But, most of coffee that we drink is not speciality coffee. In fact, less than 5 percent of coffee that is in the market is specialty.

read more: Liberica Coffee

  • Increasing demand for specility coffee

The new trend for brewing coffee by using best roasted beans that are produced in world can lead to higher demand for specialty coffee in the market.

This is a rapidly growing trend in some part of globe and recent studies show that the worth of specialty market in the past years was more than 30 billion USD.

How do I know if my coffee is specialty?

If you are new to the world of coffee, it is not easy to find out about the differences that is available between different types of coffee.

The aroma, flavor profile, and tasty note of every type of coffee and every varietal can be different with others. But, only professionals can distinguish between different types of coffee and score them based on their flavor profile or coffee characteristics.

You can ask them to help you learn more about where and how to find specialty coffee.

You can also read about the characteristics of specialty coffee in the market. This can help you to better find them in coffee shops and cafes.

For example, the roast date or the origin of specialty beans are two important characteristics to consider in time of buying.

Specially, specialty coffee has a unique flavor note that is tested before packaging. Usually, this note is written on the label. So, you can find them in market by reading the labels.

Increasing demand for specility coffee

The new trend for brewing coffee by using best roasted beans that are produced in world can lead to higher demand for specialty coffee in the market.

This is a rapidly growing trend in some part of globe and recent studies show that the worth of specialty market in the past years was more than 30 billion USD.

read more: Coffee Processing And Drying

How do I know if my coffee is specialty?

If you are new to the world of coffee, it is not easy to find out about the differences that is available between different types of coffee.

The aroma, flavor profile, and tasty note of every type of coffee and every varietal can be different with others. But, only professionals can distinguish between different types of coffee and score them based on their flavor profile or coffee characteristics.

You can ask them to help you learn more about where and how to find specialty coffee.

You can also read about the characteristics of specialty coffee in the market. This can help you to better find them in coffee shops and cafes.

For example, the roast date or the origin of specialty beans are two important characteristics to consider in time of buying.

Specially, specialty coffee has a unique flavor note that is tested before packaging. Usually, this note is written on the label. So, you can find them in market by reading the labels.

read more: Ristretto

What is the best Speciality coffee?

Finding best coffee beans in the market is not easy. Factors like people preferences, origin of bean, roast level, brewing method, and several other factor can have a great impact on the final flavor of your drink.

Perhaps, best coffee roasters in the world can offer you best speciality coffee. So, what are best coffee roasters?

Workshop coffee co is one of the best roasters in the world. Some coffee lovers believe that it can provide best coffee drinks.

Other well-known coffee roasters are:

  • Ozone coffee roasters
  • Barrington coffee
  • Obadiah
  • Origin
  • Has bean
  • Luckie bean
  • Mission coffee work

Keep in mind: even we’ve listed best coffee roasters in the world. But, it is not easy to introduce best specialty coffee.

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Because, there are a lot of coffee growing regions that produce their crops every year. Each of them offer a unique flavor profile with special notes.

On the other hand, different people may have different palette. So, it is not easy to recommend one type of coffee as the best coffee in the globe.

What can I do?

By using search engines, it is not difficult to find best coffee shops who brew and serve specialty coffee.

So, try to do a search based on your location to find best coffee roasters in your area.

Why is specialty coffee so sour?

Not all specialty coffee taste sour. But, some people who are sensitive about the flavor profile of coffee, ask about the reason for the sour taste of coffee.

When a coffee is acidic, it may taste a bit sour. But, remember that when your coffee is sour, it does not mean that the bean has a low quality.

Different reasons can make your coffee to taste sour. Incorrect brewing is one of the main reasons for having a sour taste.

Sometime, over roasting the beans can also lead to a final drink with a sour taste.

What can I do?

As a whole, we can say that bad bean and bad brewing are the main reasons that are responsible for a sour taste.

So, make sure that you buy your coffee beans from trusted distributors in the market.

Then, try to roast and brew it correctly. If the problem persists, consult to a barista to find out more about the taste of specialty coffee and how to buy and brew it.

Specialty vs premium coffee

Do you want to choose between premium and specialty coffee? If that is so, speciality coffee seems to be a better option. It has a better quality as well.

The quality

As we mentioned, specialty coffee grades from 80 to 100. So, it has a higher quality than premium coffee that grades between 60 to more than 70.

The price of specialty vs premium

On the other hand, the price of higher quality beans is higher. So, you need to pay less for drinking premium coffee.

An important note to mention here is that improved premium coffee can become more expensive. So, the price of premium coffee is not always lower than speciality.

Origin of coffee

When you buy or drink premium coffee, it is highly likely that you do not have enough information about the origin of beans.

But, in case of specialty coffee, the origin of beans is written on the label. So, there is a better recognition of the origin or country of the beans.


Specialty coffees are roasted in smaller factories. The roasting process is done by using traditional technologies. Why?

This can help in maintaining the original flavor note of beans.

Processing of premium coffee is different. So, the final flavor and taste of your drink will be different in this case.

This means that in the final cup of coffee, you may find differences in features like:

  • Body
  • Aroma
  • Mouth feel
  • After tasting
  • Flavor profile
  • Acidity
  • And …

Finally, it is up to you to decide about the best type of coffee to buy and drink. An improved premium coffee or a specialty coffee can both have a good taste.

Over the time, by tasting and experiencing different types of beans from different origin, finally, you can find you preferred taste.


I'm interested in coffee and writing about it. I will try to provide you with useful information in this regard.

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